I opened my mouth to answer him, but I had no clue what to say. If I just walked away then hopefully he'll forget about me. And if he does go off and tell anyone that I spoke to him, they'll just think he's the crazy new kid. If they don't already think that, because he's already beat up Donavan.

So I decide to walk away and hope nothing happens. Of course, though, something happens.

Talon grabs my right bicep and repeats himself, "Tell me why."

I just look him in the eye with a scowl on my face, hoping he got the point. When he didn't move or say anything else, I rolled my eyes and started to walk away again, not really knowing when he let go of my arm.

This time he didn't stop me, he just followed silently behind me. I walked into class and notice that the teacher still isn't in the room. I don't really care so I go and sit in my seat, and pull out my phone. Putting in my headphones, I pull up YouTube and watch the Dolan Twins' new video since I didn't get to watch it on Tuesday.

I can feel his eyes boring holes into the side of my head. I can't bring myself to look up at him though.

After a couple minutes I feel a poke on my shoulder and I pause the video and glare over at Talon. I give him an expectant look, waiting for him to bring up a touchy subject, one that I will not be talking about.

He just stares at me, with his head resting on his hands that just brutally hurt one of my classmates. Although, I notice now that he has no blood or bruises on his hands or fingers. I furrow my eyebrows thinking that he should at least have a scratch or even a scar because clearly he's been in fight before. I quickly dismiss that thought and instead raise my eyebrow at him, signaling for him to say what he wants to then leave me alone.

He opens his mouth but no words leave it as he looks over my shoulder and out the window. I look over as well and I see my twin brother walking into school with his friend. I switch my gaze back over to Talon to see that he already stood up and was getting his things together in a rush.

He glances at me and gives me a small smile and says, "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" But without an answer he just walks out of my second period, that still is missing its teacher.

At Home

As I walk into my house I am greeted by my two beautiful huskies, that instantly bring a smile onto my face. Maci is pure white and she has blue eyes, whereas, Bubba is black and white and has a light brown eye and a blue one as well.

I crouch down and rub them all over before I go up to my room. I head up the stairs and lay my backpack down inside my doorway and put my shoes onto the rack that holds a few other pairs of vans and converse's.

I lay down on my bed and look up at my ceiling as I think about all that happened today.

After Talon made a mysterious escape everything went back to normal. All the teachers were in their classrooms and most of the students were talking about the fight that happened earlier. It's hard to believe that neither Donovan or Talon hadn't gotten called to the office by the end of the day because there's always a snitch hanging around.

I did all my homework in my study hall last period so I don't really have anything to do for the rest of the evening. So I decide to close my eyes and take a short nap.


A loud crash wakes me up a couple hours later. I realize it's probably my brother being the big Reck it Ralph that he is.
I roll over and look at my clock resting on my night stand. It reads 6:16. I groan and sit up in bed, not feeling tired at all anymore.

I head downstairs to see what kind of mess my brother made. He always gets caught when he comes home late from a party because he can't keep his shit together, and always wakes everyone in the neighborhood up by knocking things over. One time he hit the table that our goldfish bowl was on, and let's just say we haven't had a fish since then.

Once I reach the last step, I see a small tennis ball fly right in front of my face and stop immediately. My eyes go wide and then narrow in on my brother. He's looking at me with his hands over his mouth, fighting the laughter that wanted to escape. His eyes switch over to his friend, Chris, who is also struggling to contain his laughter. I just roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. As soon as I get in there though I hear them burst into fits of laughter.

Maci, my dog, was laying in the kitchen floor beside her food bowl. She hopped up when she seen me and started wagging her tail. I walk over to the food pantry and pull out three pieces of bread. Two for me and one for Maci. But when Bubba heard me in the kitchen he started running towards me as well. I smiled and split her piece in half for her to share with him. It never hurt to share.

I didn't give them their treat yet though. I'm gonna wait until after I'm finished eating my sandwich first. So, I take out the grape jelly and smooth peanut butter, as well and begin to put everything together.

I don't hear Louis and Chris playing anymore so I head over to the living room and sit my sandwich down with the glass of sprite I made myself, on the little coffee table by the couch.

I reach for the remote that was laying on the table as well, when I bite into my sandwich. I close my eyes, enjoying the delicious taste of my PB&J as it hits my tastebuds. I go to the movie channels and see that Deadpool is about to come on after Iron Man 3. So of course that's what I turn on.

Maci lays her head on my lap as she looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I smile and stroke the top of her head. But as I do this, Bubba starts whining, not liking that he isn't getting all the attention. So I rub his head a couple times, then take I drink of my sprite.

As I'm about to swallow, Chris walks into the living room yelling at my brother, "Yeah, see you later."

We make eye contact and I awkwardly look away. Ever since that day, years ago when he was picking on me in junior high, he's never really talked to me since then. And I definitely never talked to him. I've never spoke to anyone since then. Besides Talon... but he doesn't count.

This one's longer than all my other chapters. When I write I never really look at the word count, so more than likely the length of the chapters will vary quite a bit.
Oh well. Don't forget to vote and comment, too!

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