I was in the field of dandelions beside my old middle school. The one I used to play tag with Emma in. Everything was calm and peaceful, the dew just starting to rise from the strong beams of the morning sun. This was the best time to be here. No kids were out running around messing with the sing song of the birds in the nearby trees, and the flowers and grass was still shimmering.

Then the sun went down, and everything turned black again. There was no rain but the lightning was close and the thunder was shaking the ground under my feet. I started to run in the direction I knew my old school was, but when I turned around nothing but a river of dark crimson blood was there, only becoming visible when the lightning struck.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Slowly spinning around, I came face to face with Emma. She had blood spilling out of the bullet hole in the side of her head and she was grinning, from ear to ear. I tried to scream but the only sound I could make was a gasp. I tried to run away but quickly figured out that the only land near me was the small patch Emma and I stood on, covered in dandelions that were quickly being drowned in blood. The land around me had been consumed by the river of blood. On all sides of me. I had nowhere to run.

I faced Emma again just as she was beginning to speak.

"I'm sorry I failed you," she gurgled. Her mouth filling up with her own blood.

"What?" I whispered. She was the one that died. I failed her.

"I was supposed to prot-" I could no longer understand what she was saying, for her mouth was now completely full of blood and the gash in her head was growing. It kept getting larger until it had consumed her entire face, and then her body. She stared having spasms and then fell to her knees in the river that was now under both of our feet but somehow we were both still on top of it. Well, I was at least, she was now slowly sliding deeper and deeper into the blood.

I also dropped to my knees and put my hands over my ears while laying my head on my chest and rocking side to side. That's when I began to sink into the river of blood.


I woke up gasping for air with my hands at my throat. My body was sticky but it was sweat, not blood. I threw my covers away from me and sat upright. Running my fingers thru my now damp hair, I silently began to cry for my dead best friend.

What could she have meant when she said she had 'failed me'? She had done nothing. I thought to myself.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, Maci whined and lifted her head up, from the bottom of my bed to see why I was awake. 

I gave her a pained smile and shushed her back to sleep. 

My alarm clock read 4:23 in the morning but I don't know if I'll be getting the other three hours of sleep like I normally do.  I lay my head back down anyways and let out a sigh.  The details in my dream was already beginning to blur away, so I didn't try to strain my brain by trying to remember the reason I was so upset a couple seconds ago. 

After laying in my bed for a few more minutes, my eyelids became heavy again and I drifted off to sleep. 


The next day when I arrived at school, it was very dark outside. I'm guessing we're going to be getting a storm.

I walk to my first period and half way through class, the storm starts. A couple minutes after that, the lights flicker a few times before they finally go off.

The teacher tells us to remain calm and that she's sure they will be on again within minutes.

That didn't happen.

What did happen was, Talon.

He ran into the classroom and looked around wildly until his eyes found mine. He sprinted over to me, while the teacher yelled at him to get out of her classroom. He grabs my arm and makes me stand up. He then tells me, "We have to go and I'm sorry about how abrupt this is but I'll explain as soon as we get a moment to breath. But that isn't now so we have to go. Now!" He has a somewhat crazed look in his eyes that makes me weary to follow him. But I do.

I snatch my stuff off the floor, and once again everyone's eyes are on me. My face goes red but my moves do not falter. I follow him out of the room.

He starts running toward one of the side exits and when he gets there he holds the door open for me and gestures for me to hurry up. At that moment another boom of thunder is heard and this one must be close because it hurts my ears.

He must be crazy if he thinks I'm going outside in this kind if storm.

I raise my eyebrow at him once I get close to him and he just shoots his arm up and there is suddenly an invisible barrier that acts as an umbrella over the space outside the door, where he wants me to go.  My jaw drops but he doesn't let me think about it too long because he then grabs my arm again and we start running, but this time outside, in the middle of a storm, but I'm still as dry as the desert.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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