Where are you? (Chapter 1)

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"Babe where are you?" My boyfriend called out.

"I'm over here Harry!" I called back. He was no where in sight, it's pitch black, and I can't see anything, not even myself. Suddenly, strong arms wrap tight around my waist, and a slightly warm breath chills down my neck. "Awh, Hazz I knew you would find me." I turned around to give him a kiss.

"I love you so much my girl!" Harry whispered into my ear.

"I love you too."

A voice in the distance screams, "ALINA!" Looking around to find who was calling me, his arms let go of my waist. I turned to look back at Harry and he was gone! The blood rushed to my head, fear colapsed in my eyes. I can feel someone watching me yet there is no one in sight. A cool breeze washes over my skin.

"Come on Harry, this isn't funny!" I shout out.

A black figure snatches me by the wrist and starts pulling me toward a dimmed light. As the back figure pulls me, the light gets brighter and brighter in my eyes until its almost blinding.

Next thing I know i'm laying in the comfort of my own bed. It was just a dream! A sharp shooting pain rang from my wrist where in my dream the black figure grabed me. As I looked at my wrist I noticed a big brownis- blue bruise, but as usual I shrug it off it's not like I hadn't been bruised before.

Just laying there I soak up the amazing thought that in my dream the one and only Harry Styles from One Direction was my boyfriend! One Direction is my favourite band. I have loved them ever since they were on the X Factor in 2010, but I don't think I will ever get to meet them in person.

Suddenly, there is loud banging at my bedroom door. In panic I whisper to myself, "Oh shit."

"Alina! Why are you still sleeping?!" Zac yells. Zac is my boyfriend of 2 years and he has some anger problems but I love him with all my heart because he took me in when my parents died, and no one else would take me. "Go walk to the store, I'm out of beer!" I jumped out of bed, threw on my favourite pair of short shorts and a black tanktop with a white laced cardigan on top. It's really early in the morning but I don't care because I don't ever want to get on Zac's bad side again.

Once I was done getting ready I left to go get Zac some beer.

Walking to the beer store, I saw a billboard with One Direction on it. Sadness buried in my body, as I began to cry. Thinking of all the music videos, video diaries, and fan videos I have watched and how I might never get to meet them. Reading the sign a smile came across my face because the sign said, "One Direction coming to LA tomorrow!" Oh my carrots, thats my city!

I arrived at the beer store. When I walked into the store, I started to panic. "Oh no he's going to kill me if I don't get his favourite kind!" I whispered. I was standing there trying to remember what kind of beer Zac likes, after half an hour I grabbed a random kind and hoped for the best.

On my walk home all I could do was think about what I will wear tomorrow, and how I will get out of the house to try and see the boys.

Just 10 minutes away from home I got a call, it was my auntie. I took out my phone and pressed talk. "Hey auntie!" I said. "Hello, how are you?" she asks with a shake in her voice. "I'm fine auntie, but from the sound of it, I don't think you are. What's going on?" Her voice shifted from shakey to worried when she said, "I'm completely fine, I'm worried about you. I don't trust Zac after what he did to you last year! I just want to make sure you're safe." "He won't do it again! He's changed. Why do you insist on making him look like the bad person?". "Alina! He is the bad person!" My aunt snapped back.

That was a surprised phone call, but it was pointless. Yes, Zac did lose his temper last year, but he got help and is working on getting better.

~ one year earlier ~

"Listen Zac, I swear nothing happend!" I said crying. "NO! NO MORE LIES!" He screamed back. "Babe I promise I'm not lying, just please believe me." I might believe you once you tell me the whole story." He demanded. "Okay whatever it takes. I was walking to the store like you asked me to an-" "WHAT did i ask you to get?!" He said as he slapped me across the face. "You asked me to get you more soda since you didn't have anymore." I replied sobbing. "Okay. finish." "When I was looking for Pepsi, the kind you wanted me to get you, a guy I knew in middle school came up to me and we just started talking,and w-" I was cut off by another slap but on the other side of my face. "What the hell were you talking about?!" He shouted in my face. "We were talking about...about..how we used to date and..and he mentioned dating again. BUT I told him I was already with someone!" Zac then grabed me and threw me to the floor, kicking, punching, and scratching me all over my body. I woke up the next day with blood all over myself and I could barely move, but I had to stay since I had no where else to go.

~ Present day ~

As I'm approaching my house from being out for an hour, I start to get a little worried on what's going to happen when I walk through the door, keeping in mind that I might not have gotten the right type of beer. 

I opened the door and walked in to find Zac sleeping on the couch. I set the beer onto the table and walk toward Zac. "Hey, baby wake up I have your beer." 

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