Going For Coffee (Chapter 2)

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Zac wouldn't wake up. So I started saying his name louder "Zac..ZAC!" No movement. Right then and there I started to panik. I started to shake him, harder and harder each time. "What is happening?!" I thought to myself. No, NO! This can't be happening, what am I supposed to do. He's my everything I would have nothing, be nothing if it wasn't for him. Tears flowing to my eyes, I griped onto his shirt and balled my eyes out for what felt like hours.

The day went on as I layed with Zac praying he would be okay. Night came fast just as I was about to fall asleep, he started to move. I sat up to look at him.

"Alina did you get my beer?" He asked  in a weary voice.

Laughing with joy I answered "Yes babe, I got your beer." 

Zac imedietly got up and walked to the kitchen fridge. I sat there observing him as he glanced into the fridge.

A fierce look came across his face, and started walking toward me with an unopen beer bottle. "What the hell is this?" He asks me.

Im not the type of person to suck up but in this case i'll make an acception. "Look zac i'm really sorry! I got to the store and, and I just...forgot. I'm soo sorry baby." Trying not to make my "sucking up" so obvious. Before I could say anything else he smashed the beer bottle over my head.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!? Getting me this shit beer! I thought you loved me!" Beer dripping down from my dark chocolate brown hair I try to answer.

"I do love you! I..I, I just di-" I was cut off when Zac tugged at my leg, pulling me of the couch and to the middle of the living room floor.

He beat me all over my body except my face, so that no one would ask questions. I was lying there crying on the cold floor taking it all in for about an hour. By then my body hurt so badly I could barely move, but I had to do something. So I got up as fast as I could and charged for the door.

When I got outside it was slightly raining. but I didn't care. At least it would wash all the beer out of my hair. I spent the rest of the night resting in the park. As morning came I started to get really cold and I couldn't stand to be out in the rain any longer. By now I had totally forgotten about One Direction coming to town today. I found the closest hotel I could to chill out in for a bit while I let myself try off.

Sitting in the hotel lobby my clothes start the dry. I get up to leave just before my clothes officially dry, as i'm walking to the door to leave I stare at the ground because people are just sitting there watching me.

All of a sudden I get knocked down to the floor. "Oh my gosh I am soo sorry luv!" Says a beautiful yet familiar voice. "No it was all my fault I wasn't looking." I apologize while the stranger helps me up. We stood there for quite awhile staring into eachothers eyes smiling. "You're Harry Styles?!" Laughing he replys. "Haha yes I am. At least let me buy you some coffee? I know a little diner not too far from here."  "Well I think thats reasonable considering you just knocked me over," I added sarcasticly.

We started walking and after about 2 blocks and we came to a small dinner. When we got into the dinner, we sat a booth near the back of the dinner.

An average tennage waitress with hazel eyes and brunette hair came to our table to take our order. Keeping her eyes on her notepad she requested.

"Hello my names Renee, would you like anything to drink?" Looking up from the pad, her face goes pale."oh..oh my god! You're Harry Styles!"

"Yes, yes I am but could you please just treat me like a normal customer, please." He asks politely.

"Yes, anything for you! So what would you like?"

"I think we are both just having a coffee." Harry stated.

As we waited for our coffee he started asking me questions.

"Whats your name anyways?" He questioned me. "It's Alina." "Wow thats a beautiful name! Tell me about your love life." Harry craved. 

I told him everything from my parents dying, him taking me in and to his little anger problems. The only thing i left out was the part of the abuse.

"Oh i'm so sorry to hear about your parents!" He expressed sadly.

"It's okay though I got over it. How about you tell me some things." I question him.

"There is nothing really to talk about with me just the regular touring, photo shoots, and signings. One thing you might be suprised to here is that Niall finally found a girl, and they have been hanging out alot. I think they are soo cute."

We finished our coffee and the waitress Renee came back to ask us if we wanted more.I texted Zac telling him I was sorry for leaving and if he could pick me up at the dinner. So I had enough time for more coffee. It was soo cold inside the dinner I was shivering.

Harry put his sweater on me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder holding tight to keep me warm. In just those couple minutes we sat like that talking, was the best time i've ever had. It's the first time in a long time I really felt special. Like I was supposed to be here, and we were destined to be together. 

15 minutes had passed. I was so engadged in my conversation with Harry I didnt even notice Zac walk in. He bulted toward me grabbed me by the hair and pulled me out to his truck. The whole way home he was yelling at me saying how i'm such a whore and how he will never be able to trust me.

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