The Best Friends A Girl Could Have (Chapter 5)

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Soon we are going to go see the other lads, Harry told me that he told them about me and they were excited to meet me so i'm not that nervous anymore. Tonight is going to be my very first One Direction concert too! I hope I will meet Danielle and Eleanor if they go.

Getting ready and looking smashing is my only priority right now. I'm walking around Harry's hotel room in my underwear and bra, do you really think I care if he saw me like this. He's out getting us some breakfast anyways so it's all good.

It was then that I was in the bathroom brushing my hair when Harry came through the door. "Lina! I got breakfast come and get some!" He called out. I went bouncing into the, you could say 'dinning area'. Harry just stood there, his eyes glued to my half naked body. I felt a little uncomfortable for a bit but then my confidence came rushing to me as he walked toward me and wrapped his arms around me.

We sat at the table and ate our breakfast sending childish glaces to eachother from time to time. "Do you mind explaining why you are going around half naked love?" He shot another childish glace toward me.

"Well I was getting ready and I didn't think you would be back so soon." I felt myself blush as he took another peek at my nicely tanned body.

"I think I should go get breakfast every morning." He said winking at me. I blushed again and got up to get changed.


"COME ON ALINA WE GOTTA GO!" I heard Harry yell from the door.

"I'M COMING ONE SECOND!" I yelled back.

I walked out and his jaw dropped. I did a little twirl to show off my outfit, a casual summer dress with a stunning pair of pink fuchsia sandals. "Ready to go." I said in a soft tone.

The reason I had spent 3 hours getting ready was because I was finally going to meet the other boys! I have to make a good impression on them.

We headed out the door down acouple more doors and we were there. I know what your thinking, they were acouple doors down from us and I haven't met them yet, well from all the Zac drama and being so tired from all the Zac drama we never really had time to just go over, but now we do.

Harry knocked on the door and I heard Liam's voice yell, "Harry is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me!" Harry yelled back.

"Okay im decent you guys can come in."

'You guys' he knows that i'm with him! Okay i'm starting to freak out a little on the inside. Looks like I was showing it a little on the outside too cause Harry looked down at me and said. "Lina, it'll be okay. Don't worry, they will love you.

My heart went back to it's original pace as I looked up at him and smiled.

He stuck his key card into the door thing and the little light went green informing us that the door had unlocked, then he opened the door and we walked in.

"Guys this is Alina." Harry told the other guys, with a smile from ear to ear on his face.

Everyone was staring at me with a face like this --> :O. The first person to speak up was Nialler.

"You never said she was THIS pretty!" He practicaly screams.

I feel my cheeks start to get red. Oh how embarrassing, he said one nice thing and im blushing like crazy! "Keep it together Alina!" I thought to myself.

"What did you say Alina?" Liam asked me with a confused look.

"Huh?" I manage to say back without completely dying cause Liam Payne said my name.

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