I Should've Kissed You (Chapter 3)

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Once we arrived in our driveway he stormed out of the truck and into our house. Taking my time I walked toward our small beige house. It gets abit chilly while i'm walking so I stick my hands in my pockets. 'Oh no' I thought. I'm still wearing Harry's sweater, and his phone is in it. How was I going to give it back to him.

Acting like nothing happend I go inside. Gotta think of a way to get back to Harry's hotel and return his phone. The only way I could think of getting out is if he hurts me. The only time I ever leave is when he hurts me. But for once I want to get out without being beaten.

Zac was in the kitchen while I was still at the door, so I took a look at Harry's phone.

There was a voicemail from Liam. Figuring out how to work his phone I listened to what Liam had to say. "Heey Alina it's Harry, I didn't even notice you left with my sweater and phone. I would appreciate it if you dropped it off sometime soon. Goodbye my girl."

Listening to his voice made me fell warm inside. I knew I should've kissed him when we were at the diner, I just couldn't get myself to do it becasue I love Zac very much.

I had to find a way to get out without Zac noticing.

I went up to my room and changed into something warm, Navy blue jogging pants from hollister and a plain t-shirt with a Bench sweater over it, then I just sat on the couch and watched some t.v waiting for the perfect time. Zac went to the washroom, and I knew exactly what i had to do.

I ran out the door and onto the street. I looked back to see if I was safe but believe it or not Zac heard me leave and he started chasing after me down the street. I ran faster and faster each step sprinting to hopefully lose him. There was a back alley just down the road a little bit more. Approaching the alley I turned rapidly and stopped behind a dumpster, trying to catch my breath.

I could hear faint footsteps grow into loud stomps coming toward me. I winced at each step. I felt a grip on my hair pulling me up and I scrunched my face and gasped as the pain fell upon me. "What the hell? Did you even love me at all?" He yelled in my ear. I reached up to get my hair out of his strong hands, but he forced them downwards. "Don't even try. Just GO!" He yelled. He then released my hair. Before I could react, I felt a great force push me face first into a brick wall facing me, causing a small trickle of blood to fall from my forhead.

I can't believe he just did that. He's done alot of things to me, but this is by far the worst he's ever done. Getting out of there was my only priority at the moment, so I got up and ran straight to the hotel where Harry is staying.

Taking out Harry's phone I searched through the contacts and found Liam's number and texted him, "Hey I know it's late but I have Harry's phone and i'm here now."

I sat on one of the couches in the lobby of the hotel while I waited for a reply.

After about 5 minutes, I heard the voice of an angel call my name. "Alina! What happend." He looks at me terrified.

"W..Well its just i..i" I said stuttering.

"Did Zac do this to you!?" He looked so sad, it tore my heart in two. 

 "Well uhhh.."

"Please. Don't lie to me. Did he do that to you? Did he make you bleed?"

I stand there frozen. What do I tell him, I decided to tell him everything. "It's a long story." Finally answering his question.

"Come up to my room and we can talk since it's 3 in the morning, and we should exchange numbers just in case."

He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked to the elevator. Whenever i'm with Harry I fell so safe and I feel like I can be myself with him, unlike when i'm with Zac.

"Ou ou ou! Can I press the button?" I asked bouncing up and down giggling.

He looked at me with the brightest smile. "Of course you can babe, it's floor 12."

I got soo excited when he said that I could because with Zac he never let me do anything, he always told me to sit down shutup and let him do it, unless it was cooking. He was the kind of guy your parents would never let you be with, but considering my parents are dead and no one else wants me I had no other choice but to go with him.

He was starring at me the whole way up.

"Why are you starring at me?" I asked confused.

"You are just so beautiful." He tells me blushing.

All I could do was smile when I realized I wasn't even wearing any makeup. That means he thinks my natural look is beautiful! I was just soo dazzled with the thought that when I looked over at him he was laughing at me. Omg I just realized I had been smiling like a moron. I smirked back and faced the elevator door waiting for it to open.

When we got to his room he motioned me to the couch. It was a fairly big room, way bigger then any hotel room I ever stayed in. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me. At that moment all I could do was think about Zac, I felt so bad for leaving him.

"So tell me, what happened?" He wondered listening intentivly

"Well, When I got home I realized that I was still wearing your sweater, so I waited for the perfect time to leave and bring it to you. But what I didn't know, was that Zac had seen me leave and was chasing me down the street. I tryed to think of a way to lose him so I turned into an alley and hid behind a dumpster. He eventually found me and smashed my face into the brick wall, then I ran here." Just then I started to cry, and burried my face into his shoulder.

"Awh babe it's okay, i'm here for you. Don't be afraid to call me if you ever need me."

We ended up spending an hour cuddling on the couch and I fell asleep in his arms. When I woke up I wasn't on his couch anymore. I was laying in Harry's bed smushed up beside him.

The thoughts of last night went shooting through my mind. The phone, Zac chasing me, my head, and Harry. Oh no I have to go home, I can't just leave Zac like this.

Before I left I wrote a note to Harry. 'Hey thanks for being there for me. But I have to go home, Zac will be worried about me. Bye and once again thank you for everything.'

I walked home from the hotel. It was nice to just clear my head, walking home on a beautiful morning like this. All it took me was 20 minutes to walk home.

Once I arrived at the door I took in a deep breath and walked in.

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