Chapter one

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A year later after talking to Karla

"Why are all your toys unpacked?" I said entering David's room.

"Cause I don't want to go!" David pouted.

"David, were leaving tomorrow morning. Please, I don't want to argue with you" I said picking up his toys.

"But mom, I don't want to go" he said taking away his toys from me.

"I can't leave you here buddy" I said looking at him.

"I don't want to go!" David said crying.

I wish you were here, Alex.
You would know what to say.

I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and looked at David.

"David, We're going to come back." I said.

"Then why are we taking all our stuff huh?" David said whipping his tears away.

"Because some people are going to remodel the house and we need to take all of our stuff" I lied.

"Even what mommy left behind before she left?" David said. "Because what if she comes back and we're not here-"

"What?" I said confused at what he was saying.

"-We can leave her a note. That we went with gramma and that we took all her stuff. So she won't be worried." David said.

"Well-" I said before he interrupted.

"We can take, Like the teddy bear you gave her? Her soccer sweater? Or her books? And her iPod? And her favorite blanket that still smells like her?" David said putting his toys back into the box.

"Yes we can, baby" I said trying to hold back the tears.

"Okay, as long as we take her stuff, so I can keep them safe we can go" David said.

"Okay why don't we finish packing up your stuff then we'll go pack up, the stuff mommy left behind." I said packing up his shirts he took out from the box. I looked at David and he was packing up his shoes.

Once we finish packing up, David's stuff and Alex's stuff, we went to pick up Emma from allie's house. I was driving to her house, thinking about what David said about Alex coming back. I told him, she wasn't coming back but I guess he hasn't lost hope.

I stopped at the red light, and turned around and looked at David who was holding Alex's blanket while sleeping.

Lord, help me. Give me the strength. I dont know what I'm doing. This is all new to me.

Once the light turned green, I started to drive again. Once I arrived at allie's House, parked the car and I woke up David.

"Come on, We're here buddy" I said he he got off still holding the blanket.

"Why don't we leave the blanket here in the car so you won't lose it?" I said and he nod his head and put it in his car seat.

"Carry me?" David mumbled.

"Okay, come here" I said carrying him. He rested his head on my shoulder. I locked the car and started walking to the front door.

"Harry!" Allie said opening the door. "Ohh is he asleep?" She asked and I nod my head.

"He fell asleep in the car" I said "so Where is my child?"

"She's playing soccer With Kelley in the backyard, come on" she said motioning me to enter. "You okay?" She said once I walked inside.

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