13|| Not As Planed

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  My idea was one that mostly everyone had agreed upon, there were a few tweaks that didn't really sit well with me as my training of being more a Striker was far more advanced than any of theirs but I had to keep in mind that Shiro and the Princess are the ones to take control and knew the team far more better than I, so the changes were made without disagreement from anyone.

The first step to activate the plan was having to be sneaky. Prince Lotor knows me fairly well as he would most likely do his research on me before pursuing me so it came to no surprise when learning of there being three groups of fifteen to twenty with each of the Prince's closest general leading them. I could only guess that there's still a handful of guards and warriors roaming around the Castle but most of his army would most likely be out searching for myself and the others.

Going with the first step of the plan I had suggested that I could be running around, to throw off all three groups allowing the Paladins to get into the Castle and to their Lions whilst Coran and the Princess take back the Castle but Shiro protested against the idea. Seeing as my energy was slightly diminished, to Shiro, it seemed best if I stayed with them. The excuse was one that had no solid reason and evidence behind it so obviously an argument struck up between the two of us.

Our argument could have continued forever if it weren't for Princess Allura saying, "Lilja and Shiro focus!" and her voice was raised making me flinch just the slightest. In the end Shiro gave below moderate reason as to why I should stay with them, that reason being: I can sense the presence of others from a farther distance than any of them could, with the training of the Galra I can think more faster and better than any of them, that along with my abilities my strength and speed will come along when attack swiftly. There were other reasons, one that I did not care for and therefore not mention.

  At the very moment we were all sneakily running through the forest, Lance being the only riding on my back as I'm in my secondary form. Shiro had said it'd be best for Lance to ride on my back, myself and Keith agreeing as even though his injuries may seem healed they aren't fully healed leading to the paladin also not being at his full strength.

  I slowly came to a stop when seeing the edge of the forest, the others filling pursuit behind me. Lance had hopped off my back as I shifted back into my primary form, took a deep sniff into the air smelling nothing near yet more gut twisted a knot inside. Something is wrong, I thought sneakily placing a hand on my stomach. But nothing seems to be wrong. What couldn't be?

  "Lily," called Pidge breaking me out of my thoughts. "Come on." Nodding my head I quickly came in line to stand beside Shiro and Kieth.

  "We need to be quick," I reminded them as all our steps were slower when hearing the border. "Anyone who feels like they might fall behind speak up now." Turning my head back Hunk was slowly raising his hand but Pidge slapped it down shaking her head as Hunk gave a sheepish smile.

  Looking back I closed my purple and blue eyes taking another deep breath in. The knot still there, it was twisting even more tighter in my gut making me feel uneasy about this plan. What could this mean? A small quite growl escaped my lips as my hands clenched and unclenched. I hate being left in the dark such like now, hate having to not know what might come out in a surprise attack.

  "Ready," announced Shiro. "Three... two... one... let's move out." Running out form behind the bushes might have been the worst idea ever to be made.

  We had all stopped almost mid-distance of the Castle and the border of the forest. Gasps were heard from a few as an army of warriors and guards stood in front and behind us. Prince Lotor stood at the front, a smirk plastered on his sick face as the four ladies went to his side having the same smirk as he. My fist clenched as I growled just loud enough for the Paladins and the two other leaders to hear.

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