20|| "Live To Win"

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|3rd Person POV|

All of Team Voltron sat inside the cell inside of a Galra ship. After Lilja was taken down everyone had kicked into action to try their best to get out but with Lotor's generals and a few warriors that had rushed in the fight wasn't one that they had won. In the end they had all been taken as prisoners once more and taken into the cells of the Galra although something else had occurred. Before being taken into the cells another crystal was represented to them, as before the crystal had exploded and everyone was back into their normal bodies.

Everyone was sent into one lone cell, well all but Lilja. After the body switch had been complete she with more guards than Team Voltron was pulled off into a different direction from them, as much as any of them tried none could break free. All that could occur was watch as she was pulled somewhere else, somewhere that none of them were at.

|Lilja's POV|

It was cold. A cold I haven't felt for quite some time. The same cold feeling from when stuck in the cell, inside the Galra building, alone and defenseless. Just the thought of the past sent shivers up my spine bringing nothing more than a spark of pain that made me groan out loud.

Slowly opening my eyes my vision was blurred with my hearing being all bubbly like. It had taken some time before my vision cleared along with my hearing and when that happened I tried my best to sit up but my body felt sore and tired like never before.

A whine came out of my closed lips as the pain was terrible. Nonetheless, the pain was pushed aside as I forced my hands to lift me but to be at least sitting up instead of laying on my stomach. Whilst lifting myself I found my hands not of Pidge's but my own, from there could my long fluffy white ears and tail be felt and there was doubt that I was returned to my body. But why? No good could come out of why my body was switched back.

Once sitting up my head wavered with the room spinning around me. Just the dizziness was enough to make me feel sick and fall flat on my back, pain irrupting that originated from my back and spread all over my body. The feeling of small sparks of electricity jumping all around my body is the best form to describe how the pain felt at the moment.

I'm in a terrible condition, that was a fact. Whatever Lotor had done between the time of my unconsciousness and waking up in this cell alone must have been something to keep me out of it, that was what worried me the most. If the Prince had gone to this much trouble to practically keep me immobilized then surely he had something sinister stored in his mind that slowly proceeding as he wishes.

I closed my eyes and just focused all my energy into my touch and hearing sense's. Since my whole body was laying on the floor I could feel the light or heavy footsteps in a fairly large distance from my position. With the healing sense could the conversations of all around be heard but my main focus was on hearing the voices of the others. This is my trouble that they were dragged into, the least that could be done from me is to ensure of their safety.

It took some time but barely could my ears hear Coran speaking. His words were cut off making letters or gibberish, regardless of what they spoke of all I cared for was making sure that all seven of them were there.

With the touch sense could I direct it to one certain spot: the cell where they were held in. From there could seven bodies just barley be felt sitting on the ground with the expectation of one standing up pacing around. At least now I can be in pain but be at ease in mind knowing that everyone else is relatively alright.

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