A Pokemon Thing (Kris)

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  • Dedicated to EXO-Pokemon Fans

Just a short poke-parody imagine to thank you all for the 1,000+ votes!!! :3 


"Good morning, ______." Professor SooMan greeted you "I see you want to become a Pokemon trainer."

You smiled and nodded your head eagerly "Yes Professor! I want to travel all the regions to become the best pokemon trainer!"

"Now that you mentioned that," He bent down got a case from which appeared to come from under his desk and opened it, revealing three shiny pokeballs  "You must now choose your bias." 

"Wait, you mean I can't see them individually?"

"NO!!! YOU CANNOT!!!" The Professor exclaimed, making you flinch from your seat "You can't choose your bias on their appearance, but on their personality."

"That makes a lot of sense!" You answered, staring at the three rounded objects before you.

Among the three, the one at the middle seemed to stand out the most for you. You just tried your luck and took the pokeball from it's place onto the grasp of your hands "I'll be taking this one!" 

"Excellent choice." He smiled, seeming to know what bias you got "Now you may exit the lab and explore the Pokemon world!"

You grinned and waved at Professor SooMan as your goodbye, and quickly exited through the lab's doors. Your vision was soon overcomed by nature, with not a single pollution at sight. There was so many places where you could find pokemon!

"Now," You said to yourself, looking around for a place to begin your search "Where do I start looking for Pokemon?"

Somehow answering your question, a shaking and rattling bush quickly caught your eyes. You quietly tip-toed over to the moving plant, with a pokeball on your hand, as different thoughts like excitement, anxiety, and nervousness rushed through your mind.

"Here goes nothing." You mumbled, throwing it with all your might aiming for the bush.

Once you heard the pokeball's impact, you didn't hear any beeping noise to signal your capture nor a pokemon's sound, but an deep "Ouch!" instead.

"Who threw this pokeball at me?!" The same voice shouted, with your pokeball at his grip

You stared at the boy, rising from the shaking bush, rubbing his cranium where you seem to threw the pokeball. He wore his cap backwards, covering his blonde hair, a jacket wrapped around his waist, and face that could have been dashing if he didn't look like he was pissed off. 

"You're. . . Not a Pokemon?" You asked him dumbfoundedly 

He finally took a glance at your face, throwing your pokeball back at you, which landed right infront of your feet "No! I'm not! I was looking for Pokemon!"

"I-I'm really sorry sir!" You apologized, bowing 90 degrees and taking the thrown pokeball while at it "I'm just a new trainer. . ."

"So you're a newbie, huh?" He repeated "In that case, I challenge you to a pokemon battle!"

"Wait, what?!"


"Your name's Kris?" You asked him, finding your pokeball inside your pouch 

"What, you got a problem with it?!" He growled, throwing his pokeball at the ground "PanTao, I choose you!" 

"Whoa, what kind of Pokemon is that?!" You exclaimed, taking out your PokeDex.

PanTao - The Panda Pokemon 

PanTaos specialize on Wushu, and practices it on a daily basis with it's nunchucks and staff. They cannot take a bath alone, and always asks their own kind, or even other pokemon to shower with them. More additional information, PanTaos also make this weird sound when you make them laugh. 

"PanTao, PanTao!" Kris' PanTao said, directing it's staff to you. 

"My turn!" You said, throwing your pokeball to the ground, revealing it's silhouette

"What the hell?" Kris muttered, taking out his PokeDex

LuDeer - The Deer Pokemon

LuDeers describe themselves as the most manly pokemon to exist, despite them doing aeygo all the time. They're very popular, especially to female pokemon trainers. When you come across a LuDeer, be warned because they will hypnotize you with their aeygo to get what they want.

"LuDeer!" Your LuDeer said, doing some sort of aeygo 

Kris looked at your pokemon in disgust and slowly put down his PokeDex "Among the three, you chose that?"

"Yah! Professor SooMan said I couldn't look at any of them!" You defended your first pokemon 

"Pfftt, whatever." He replied, pointing to your LuDeer "PanTao, use Wushu!" 

"Pan! Tao!" His PanTao said, lunging at your LuDeer, constantly wacking him on LuDeer's head with his staff

You panicked and looked at your PokeDex for your Pokemon's list of moves and there was only  two moves listed: Aeygo and Tiny Punch. You had no other choice but to use one of the moves "LuDeer! Use. . . Aeygo?"

"Lu Lu!" Your LuDeer said, standing in front of Kris' PanTao "Buing buing buing~"

"Please, you think some girly move would affect my PanTao?." Kris scoffed "PanTao, use- What . . . ?"

LuDeer's 'Aeygo' was super effective on PanTao! PanTao is now hypnotized!

"PanTao, Pan. . ." Kris' PanTao said, being hypnotized by LuDeer's aeygo

"PanTao!" Kris called, snapping his fingers "Snap out of it!"

PanTao looked at his staff and began hitting himself with it!

"Now LuDeer!" You commanded, pointing at Kris' PanTao "Use Tiny Punch!" 

"LuDeer! LuDeer!" Your LuDeer replied, throwing tiny yet effective punches at PanTao, with the last blow being the most effective one.

"P-PanTao. . ." Kris' PanTao murmured, with his eyes begining to swirl as a sign of defeat 

PanTao fainted! 

Kris sighed and grabbed PanTao's pokeball out of his pocket "PanTao. Return." 

In a flash of a red laser beam, his PanTao safely returned back to his pokeball. Kris stared at his pokeball, a not disappointed look, but a sincere one, and placed it back in his pocket "Losing is not my style." 

"I. . . won?" You said, trying to contain your excitement "Alright! LuDeer, return!" 

As your LuDeer returned back into your grip, Kris walked towards you and held out his hand "Congratulations, _______. It's been fun battling with you."

You stared at his hand for a while, and carefully took it "Th-Thanks. . . Your PanTao wasn't so bad."

"There are lots of other trainers and gym leaders out there, ya know." Kris stated "Not as handsome as me, but maybe stronger. If you continue to catch more Pokemon, you might be able to beat them like what you did to me today."

"You were already strong, I can't imagine other people stronger."

"Face the facts, there are. I must be off then." He said, grabbing the jacket from his waist and putting it on "Till next time."

"He thinks he so cool." You mumbled, watching him moving farther and farther away from you "But Kris is right. My journey as a Pokemon trainer had just begun."


What am I doing with my life ._. Lol, thanks for reading this weird imagine, hihi ^^

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