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Raven's POV

I woke up to find myself in the same spot I fell asleep in. Either the guys have up looking for me or, they never did to begin with. I looked down at my arm, dried blood running down my arm. A shooting pain came from it and I yelled in pain. I calmed down as the thoughts of last night. Did he really mean those things?

"Why did you get rid of that pretty *hiccup* girl?" He slurred

"She's not pretty Andy. She's a slut." Jake said

"No, she's the slut here. She just gets in the way of our *hiccup* touring. All she does is cause trouble. I don't even love her." He slurred. I didn't hear the rest because I was in shock. I went to the back room to go and get my batman back pack and got some of my clothes. I grabbed my wallet and left. I went through the window. I couldn't go back out there.
End of flashback

Tears welled up in my eyes while thinking about all the events from last night. I couldn't think of what the guys did to Andy last night. Did they even notice I was gone? Do they care? Probably not. Intact I doubt they did anything to Andy. The first time, when I walked in on him and scout they probably beat him up, so they could act like they actually care. Damn my mind, I know it's not true. But I can't help but wonder if that's actually what happened. Hopefully next- well if I see them all including Andy then I'll see if they actually cared. Just depending if there are bruises on Andy.

-Cc' s POV-

We all stood there in shock. Ash was about to go to town on Andy for saying what he said to Raven. I held him back.

"Dude what the hell! Let me at him!" Ash snarled

"Wait until tomorrow. When, he's sober. I'm just as pissed as you are. But we need to find Raven." I said while looking around

Ash, Jinxx, Jake, and I all stepped out of the buss. Snow was now covering the ground, leaving no evidence where Raven went. We all got into pairs, Ash and I then Jinxx with Jake. We spit up from each other. I checked my phone 1:30 Am. God damn it Rave, where are you?

After what seemed like and hour I checked my phone 4:33 A.M. we have been looking for her for over three hours! By the time all of us gathered back at the bus Andy was passed out and everyone was freezing. Nobody found Raven. She's probably freezing by now. I feel bad just quitting like this. We all walked to our bunks and went to sleep. I on the other hand didn't, after ten minutes of me staring up at the bunk too I got up and put on two coats and a hat and gloves going to find Raven.

-4 Hours later-

It was now nearing 9 A.M. and I still haven't found Raven. I'm starting to get a bit worried. Was she okay? Is she hurt? Is she Alive? I have now been walking in some part of the woods that was by the bus. I can't leave this state either without Raven and knowing I looked for over 10 hours for her. Or with her in my arms. I can't loose Raven, not now. I have five hours to find her, then it's game over. We have to leave, She's apart from the band. A kick ass guitar player that we need to be precise. About an hour later the snow started to fall again. I tripped over a rock that I didn't see because of the snow. Making me land with my head to the ground looking at a pathway. I quickly got up and walked on the path, which led me to two trees. Right in the middle of the trees was a figure. I walked towards the figure and caught sight of the bad that was next to them. Batman. I rushed towards the lying figure only to be met with blue and black hair covering the girls face. This had to Raven. I gently brushed the fringe out of the girls face, it was Raven. Pale, Blue lips, Shaking from being cold, and a pile of snow on her legs. I quickly scooped her up and walked at a steady pace, so I wouldn't slip on ice or snow and fall.

-Andy's POV-

I woke up with a splitting headache. What happened last night? I walked out and all the guys glared at me. Everyone was there, except Rave and Cc.

"Hey, Where's-" I get knocked in the face causing me to fall to the ground

"What the hell Andy?!" Ash screamed at me

"What did I do this time?" I said while holding my cheek

"You hurt Raven, for the last time Andy! You got drunk! You knew you were with someone, that we all thought you loved but guess not. You hooked up with some chick. I'm my opinion ugly as a fucking hairless cat! Raven came in wanting to surprise us with what she did yesterday, and she walked in on you and the girl!" Ash screamed, to be honest he looked like he wanted to cry "You know how broken she is." He whispered while holding his head down

"Did I really do that?" I looked at the rest of the guys to find them nodding their heads, FUCK!

Cc came in the door with two jackets on, gloves, and a hat. In his arms was a pale, cold, almost dead looking Raven, and hanging off of her was her Batman backpack. The one when I met her on the Ferris Wheel. I tried to walk to them but Ash stopped me and Cc glared at me. I have to know if she's okay. More importantly, what did I say? Just then I remembered something. Jinxx records people when they are drunk. Don't ask why he just thinks its funny. I ran to Jinxx who was on the couch glaring at me. Great he's pissed to.

"Hey Jinxx, did you just happen to-" He cut me off and held his phone up for me.


I stumbled a lot of the bunk area with a blond girl, Ash was right not so good-looking. Cc made the girl leave, that's when the shit show started.

"Why did you get rid of that pretty *hiccup* girl?" He slurred

"She's not pretty Andy. She's a slut." Jake said

"No, she's the slut here. She just gets in the way of our *hiccup* touring. All she does is cause trouble. I don't even love her." He slurred. I didn't hear the rest because I was in shock. I went to the back room to go and get my batman back pack and got some of my clothes. I grabbed my wallet and left. I went through the window. I couldn't go back out there.

End of video

I looked up at Jinxx, feeling sick almost. I can't believe I said that to her. I sat on the couch dropping my head in my hands and Silently bawling my eyes out. I just keep hurting her. I have to stop, or we will stop.

-Cc's POV-

I gentally put Raven in my bunk, I'm on the top. I put her under my heating blanket and gave her a quick peck on the head and closed my curtain.

I walked out of the bunk area to see the guys sitting as far from a sobbing Andy. They reply got to him huh, I sat down by Andy

"You messed up, I was just looking for her for over 10 hours in the freezing cold Andy. She was outside without a jacket for over 10 hours because of you. Only thing she had been a sheer sweatshirt and food. She could have died." I said calmly not yelling, yet.

"Yeah Cc, I know I messed up okay?" Andy said while trying to call himself down.

"You'll be. Well we'll all be lucky if Rave doesn't quit the band." Ash said almost in a snarling tone.

"Yeah. Just Andy, when she wakes up leave her alone got it?" I asked

"Yeah." He mumbled

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. I'm not that Good of a writer as some people but it's worth a try, right? Sorry if there are any mistakes in the story. Some chapters will be written on my phone or my computer so sorry for errors. Please comment, vote, and share this story. Thank y'all for reading! Love ya😙

Currently listening to: My Vow- Black Veil Brides

Word count- 1477

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