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I hope yall are enjoying the story so far. Please vote, comment, and share the story with your friends. I am sorry in advance if there is anything that does not make sense. I have been having writer's block for a while and haven't had any inspiration to write, so sorry if these are bad chapters. Comment some ideas for next chapter! I will try and update as soon as I can! Thank Y'all for reading and please again if you haven't already voted and shared this story. Love you guys!



-Ashley's POV-

I woke up remembering what happened last night. I looked down at seeing that my arm was still draped around Raven's waist. Her face was facing towards my chest with her hair in her face. I gently moved it out of her face to find a peacefully sleeping Raven. I smiled to myself. Shes gorgeous. She then shifted a little under my arm and her eyes slowly fluttered open. 

"Mornin Raven" I whispered

"Mornin Purdy" She yawned 

I got out of her bunk and she groaned "Whats up with you?" I laughed

"You were so warm!" She whispered while holding her arms out

"Well, then you have to come out here and get me bc I'm not getting back in." I laughed and stuck my tongue out. Before I knew it she jumped out of her bunk and I caught her bridal style.

"Yay! You caught me!" She said like a child. I just laughed and carried her to the kitchen and sat her up on the granite counter top. She made her coffee and I made mine. U gave her my coffee cup as she was about to get down from the counter, but I picked her up bridal style as she held our coffees. She giggled and her cheeks lit up a pink hue as I laughed along with her. I just wanted to kiss her. I sat her down on the couch and I sat next to her. She gave me my coffee and snuggled up to me. I put my arm around her. Just as I did, Andy came out. 

"Morning" Andy mumbled sitting in the chair closest to Raven.

"Mornin," I said. Raven just scooted closer to me if that was even possible. 

"So what are we gonna do today Rave?" I asked looking down at her.

"We could walk into the city when we arrive in New York." She said looking away from the cartoons that were on the T.V.

"That sounds great, do you want Cc or anyone else to come?" I asked and she shrugged

"Sure, we should all go." She paused "We should go ice skating, I've never been so that's going to be funny for you guys." She laughed causing me to smile with her.

"What about.." I whispered in her ear while pointing to Andy

"Give me your phone." She said 

Her tiny fingers moved across the keyboard as she typed something:

I'm going to forgive him. I know it's dumb and all but we aren't dating anymore and I miss talking to him. As much as I still love him I just can't find it in me to forgive him that much if you know what I mean. I'm going to go once you're done reading this so just give me a signal to say that you're done! Wish me luck!!! XX

I silently gave her a little nudge and she unwrapped herself from her blanket leaving her in her AA tank top and her black PJ shorts. She stood in front of Andy causing him to direct his attention from his phone to her. His eyes grew wide with hope. She put her arms out waiting for him to get up but he just sat there shocked.

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