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Hey guys! So this is the last chapter of the book, and I hope you enjoy it and I hope you overall enjoyed this story! I am currently in the process of writing a Cc love story, so go and read that one if you haven't already! I will be making them for all of the band members and then cycle back around, giving them all two stories. Thank ya'll again and please vote and comment so I know what to write in the future! Thanks



*Five months later*

-Raven's POV-

Today was the day, the day that Andy and I were going to be officially married. Sammy and Ella helped me pick out a wedding dress a few weeks ago, and it truly makes me feel somewhat pretty for once. I was a grey dress with a slit that goes up my leg. It's strapless and has tiny beads for decoration. For my makeup, I did a smokey silver look with a dark red lipstick. My hair was in a fancy bun, with the sides curled to perfection. But for the final touch, I had a black Veil, for the band. 

At the moment I had five minutes until I had to go out and officially married

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At the moment I had five minutes until I had to go out and officially married. Sammy and Ella were both my bridesmaids, they were giving me my pep talk. Just then Andy's dad came in telling me it was time to go. My dad didn't come because of what he's done to me, I can't have that here on my wedding day. I walked over to Andy's dad who had my beautiful bunch of flowers and took his arm so he could walk me down the aisle. I am so nervous right now.

-Andy's POV-

The big doors were opened and in came my dad and Raven. Damn, she was beautiful. I could tell she was nervous, but I know she want's this. If she didn't, then she would have turned me down. The music started to play and they came down the aisle. They finally arrived and Ashley patted me on the back. I know he likes her the way I do, but I don't know how she feels about Ash. She could still like him a little, but now, not the time to think about it. Now she's mine, forever. The guy that's wedding us looked Raven up and down, I just gave him a glare and he started the ceremony.

"Andrew Dennis Biersack, do you take Raven to be your Wife?" He spat, causing me to smile at his jealousy.

"I do," I said while smiling at Raven.

"And do you Raven Rose Vander take Andy to be your Husband?" He kindly asked Raven, What a dick!

" I do," she whispered loud enough for the people standing up for us to hear.

"I now announce you, Husband and Wife, you may now kiss the Bride." He said rolling his eyes. I just took Raven's Black Veil over her head and leaned her down and passionately kissed her. She smiled into the kiss and everyone cheered around us.

At the after party was where we were all going to hang out, talk, eat, drink, and at the end, We were going to perform Wretched and Divine, which is off of our new album. She loves to play that song and I love listening to her play, so we are going to play it. There were black, white, and grey streamers aligning the ballroom, where the party was being held. Everyone was dancing and then it was time for our dance. Everyone gathered around and made a little space for us to dance together. I was amazing. What Raven didn't know was that there were little pockets of glitter that was going to fall on us like snow. She loves snow, so I made it snow for her. We slowly danced to the first minute of the song and then Cc pulled the string so the glitter can slowly fall down on us. When Raven noticed, she pulled her head off of my shoulder, her black hair now having little bits of glitter in it and she smiled at me. I returned the smile and kissed her. We slowly danced until the end of the song, then it was show time. We came up with a little setlist for the wedding, so we went up onto the stage and set up while everyone was talking and eating.  We soon set up, and it is a wedding, we stayed in our formal attire. We played our set and finished off with our duet that we always did, since the beginning. When we weren't a couple. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. She was my Fallen Angel.


I hope yall are enjoying the story so far. Please vote, comment, and share the story with your friends. I am sorry in advance if there is anything that does not make sense. I have been having writer's block for a while and haven't had any inspiration to write, so sorry if these are bad chapters. Comment some ideas for next chapter! I will try and update as soon as I can! Thank Y'all for reading and please again if you haven't already voted and shared this story. Love you guys!


None of these chapters are edited and some will be written on my phone or my computer so sorry if there are any mistakes. Thank you

Currently Listening to- Caught Like A Fly-Falling In Reverse

Word count: 1697

So ive been thinking on doing a fanfic for each of the band members and then repeating them all over again. As you probably know this story is slowly coming to an end, and i dont like to do sequels or triloligys so this book is almost done! I am going to start making a Cc one next hope you enjoyed this story and hope you enjoy the next stories. Again, this book IS NOT done yet but will soon. Thanks for reading:)

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