It's Raining|Edward xXxDead!Reader|

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It was raining, just like the night she left.

Ed let the tears slip from his eyes as he stared out the window. He didn't even blink, he didn't want to cry, but he couldn't help it.

The bed where she laid was empty and cold. There was no one to lay there with him. There was no one to hold his hand and kiss him.

Her voice, that voiced he loved, was gone and only echoed in his head.

"I love you, too."
"I do."
"Forever and always, Elric."

All the memories juat replayed over and over in his head.

She was gone.

Free from pain, from sickness, but out of his reach.

Her voice, her touch, her warmth, her smile. Thise things he held on to and love were gone.

Her feared the sound of her voice, her smile and face would fade away. That her memory would be nothing but a memory.

The house was empty.

It was different.

He was left with bitter-sweet memories and......


A voice caught his attention along with a baby's whimper.

He looked over at his son and to the crib next to him, where his infant daughter was sleeping.

He wiped away his tears and smiled at his son.

"Maes, you should be asleep. It's late you know?" Ed said with a warm smile.

His son walked up to him and hugged him.

"I miss mommy." Maes mummbled as he butied his face into his father's chest.

Ed pulled his son close and held him tightly.

"I know you do, we all miss her."

Maes looked up at his father with sadness, but never shed a single tear.

"She's looking after us, right daddy?"
Maes asked with a innocent look.

Ed looked at his son for a period of time.

He didn't know if there was really a afterlife, he could only hope there was and that ______ was waiting there.

"Yes, mommy is looking after us. Especially you and Trisha, just like she did when she was here." Ed said with a reassuring smile.

Maes smiled amd looked over into his sister's crib.

"I promised mommy I would be a good boy and take care of Trish." Maes said happily as he rubbed his eyes.

Ed smiled softly and kissed the top of his son's head.

_______ was gone from this world, but she seemed to still remain alive.

She was still alive.

Through memories, people she loved and befriended, and through her children.

She was dead, but she was still very much alive.


Yes, I'm back from Hiatus.
I want to say thank-you to those who prayed for my family and sent their love.
My uncle has sadly passed away on 10-21-17
He was 53, and would have been 54 on the 21st of this month.
Pancreatic Cancer is an absolute killer. It has no cure, and those who suffer face lots of pain.
Please take care of yourself and visit your doctors regularly.
My uncle didn't know until he was already at stage 4.
I am back, and completely okay.
I am opened for request and if you would like to talk to me, message me.
Thank you, for your support.


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