Chapter One

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"Liana! Can you come down here please?" I heard Elena shout from downstairs.

I hopped up off my bed and walked down stairs to see both of the Salvatore brothers and my sister.

"Liana! How are you? I haven't seen you in ages!" Damon playfully smiled coming towards me and giving me a hug.

"Damon. I saw you yesterday." I replied bluntly.

"Same thing." He shrugged, not losing the grin. Even though I might not act like; it I really appreciate it when Damon and Stefan try to make me feel better. It's just nothing can.

It feels as if there's something stopping my happiness.

Because when it comes, which is on rare occasions; it's only for a small amount of time.

I miss the old me. The me that didn't have to fake the smiles and laughs. The me I actually liked.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come to the grill with us? You know see Bonnie and Caroline...Maybe Tyler?" Elena smiled.

"Ermm, no thank you. I have a lot of homework for-" I was cut off by Stefan.

"Too bad. You're coming Liana." He told me, putting a firm arm around my shoulders and guiding me towards the door.

"But I'm not even dressed properly!"

I heard Damon 'tut' from behind us. "Excuses, excuses. You look beautiful, as usual."

This made me roll my eyes and ignored him. The flirt. Climbing into the car, followed by Elena; I leant my head against the cold window watching the scenery pass by.

I simply watch my life pass me by, not a single thing worth remembering.

"Li?" I was suddenly pulled out of my inner sad fest, by Stefan's nickname for me. "We're here."

Blinking, I took in our surroundings. Outside the grill. Great.

I automatically perked up, plastering a happy look on my face before stepping out the car. Stefan had a frown planted upon his face. He has never liked the way I had to pretend. He thinks; along with everybody else close to me, that I should simply be myself.

But it isn't that easy.

Being myself means being the weird, depressed, unhappy girl.

With my 'smile' still on my face, we followed Elena and Damon into the grill.

"Hey Liana!" Someone from my math class greeted me.

"Hi Lucy." I smiled sweetly back. I quickly spotted Caroline waving to us from the other side of the grill like a mad women.

After making are was to her and Bonnie, I was tackled into a tight hug by Caroline.

"Ah, care....Cant...Breathe." I managed to get out. She gasped quietly before quickly letting go with a sheepish look on her model-like face.

"Sorry, I keep forgetting about the vamp strength." She nervously giggled.

I smiled softly at her. "It's ok" I told her, playfully shoving her shoulder.

I looked to the others, only to see they were watching us silently. "Liana!" Bonnie said excitedly getting up out her seat and coming over to hug me, not quite as tight as Caroline...Obviously.

"How are you are you ok?" She whispered in my ear. I internally sighed.

"I'm fine." I replied as cheerfully as I could. Bonnie studied me carefully, not believing me. Before giving a nod to show she was letting it go. For now.

I quickly took my seat between Damon and Caroline before zoning out. They were talking about Klaus. Ugh.

I just stared straight ahead, concentrating on the salt shaker.

"Liana? Oh lord not again. Liana!" I quickly snapped out of it and looked towards Damon, who was the one speaking to me.


"You're my date to the 60's dance tonight." He told me, with a grin on his face. Making my eyes widen.



"Nuh-uh. I'm not going Damon."

"Well you are now....With me." He finished looking pleased with himself.

Sighing heavily I glared at him. "Why do I need to go anyway?"

"Because I want you to go with me and I have to go."

I raised my eyebrows in a silent 'Why?'

"Because Klaus is going to be there."

I gulped silently. Great.

Sighing once again, I looked at Damon and shrugged. Making his grin widen in victory.

"Stefan?" I heard Elena randomly say. "Did you notice anything weird about Alaric today in history?"

Gah, I'm not in their history...and haven't seen Alaric all day.

Stefan simply nodded, before Matt came over.

"Matty!" Caroline squealed, making me wince. God women...calm down.

After greeting Care, Matt turned to me. "Hey Liana." He said smiling

"Hey Matt." I smiled back. "I'll be right back." I said turning back to the rest of them.

I got up and headed to the bathroom. Checking there was nobody in the cubical; I walked over to the sinks and leant on them looking into the mirror. On the outside, I was a normal girl...On the inside, I was a mess.

Taking a deep breath, I quickly gathered myself before walking out the door.

Only to bump into Tyler Lockwood.

"Oh hey Liana!" He greeted me a little bit too eagerly. I smiled kindly back.

It wasn't that I dislike Tyler. I mean, we're friends. But when he starts getting flirty, it's...awkward.

"Hey Ty, how are you?" Awkwardly returning the hug he was currently giving me.

"I'm good thank you, beautiful; how are you?" See what I mean?

"I'm very good thanks." I smiled, trying to cover up the fact, that I wanted to run away and hide under my bed.

Luckily Damon saved the day.

"Come on Liana, Caroline is making you go shopping with her for the dance tonight."

Actually I'd rather stay with Tyler.

"Oh, ok. Well I've got to go, bye Tyler." I said cheerfully giving him a quick hug.

After walking back to the others, I heard Caroline squeal cheerfully before grabbing my arm and Bonnie grabbing the other.

"Time for shopping!" They both cheered together. I looked pleadingly at Damon who just smirked.

Welcome to hell.

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