Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End

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I's Point of View - Stratus Hotel - 60th Floor Balcony - 7:25pm

The world is on fire, it always has been. The amount of bombs released daily and use of appliances which lead to greenhouse gases, it wouldn't be a surprise. However, nobody blinks an eye. Why? Oh, because we are told not to. Told that everything is okay. Told that this Earth that we live on will survive. Threatened that punishment will be laid upon us if we do anything otherwise. We are oblivious to the problems that surround us because, you know, YOLO!! Who cares about stuff that isn't our problem. But this isn't the way that I view the world.

"This world is a ticking time bomb, and we, are the unsuspecting civilians in it's way," I mutter. Some might say I'm morbid, some would say I'm insane, but, if only they knew the real problems that face them. "What the hell are you going on about I!?" I whirl my head around to see one of the carefree people I despise so much.
"For one, it's Ivan, how many time have I told you that? And two, what the hell are you doing here Rem!" I shout. She gives me a confused look but then returns to her natural, smiling, positive demeanor. "C'mon Mr Grumpy-pants! It's 2051, lighten up a bit!"

Rem is what you would describe as a early adopter.
. A person who is into the newest fads, trend, technology as soon as they come out.

Ever since WWIII scientist have tried to keep us occupied with new trends, fancy technology and weird fads. Currently people wear OPpiCt glasses (ever since Google fell down a deep hole of debt and betrayal, OPpiCt has taken over). They are kind like VR Glasses but those became old decades ago.

I scowl in her direction, while keeping my eyes set on their objective. She seems to notice this quite quickly and follows suite. This is then followed by a gasp. "I know what you are gonna do I, but for the last time! You are imagining things. Why would the government be out to get us when they are giving us so much without anything in return!" Mistake number one: Telling Rem about my theories and conspiracies. Mistake number two: Believing that she felt the same way. Rem is just like every single other miserable, naive person in this town. But I'm not one of those people.

I stared down to the town below off the 60 story balcony. Staring. Because that is all I could do. Stare and think. Think and stare. This 'happy' town, with it's artificial, burning, bright, blue sky, it's artificial life. Artificial happiness.  Artificial hope. Artificial faith. Artificial people. I hoped that by whatever forces this world was controlled by, artificial or not, that I wasn't one of them. I couldn't be one of them could I? No! That was impossible. My thoughts are all my own and these feelings are all my own. Now I just needed to find someone who felt the same way.

I rolled my wheelchair away from her. I didn't need her. She was already gone. Already deep in their lies. I, however, could never be affected. Why? I was imperfect of course. Why would the government waste their time on someone like me if I was no help to them. Intelligence just doesn't cut it. This is why I needed someone else. I know everything there is to know about the system, the government, the corruption, their plans. I just need someone to help carry mine out.

"Goodbye Rem."

This was both figurative and literal. I was saying goodbye due to myself leaving the building, and to the girl I used to know with the same 'outlandish' ideas as me. The girl who shared the same dreams as me. The girl who I truly loved and held close to my heart. For I would miss that charming devil of a girl.......a girl lost to the world.

"For this world is crumbling. We must change the human race if we are to change the planet. Every person will go through tests and examinations which will help them see how we must act in order to preserve this precious planet we call home. However, we only need the fittest and strongest. If a person is disabled or deformed in anyway or form, they will be excluded from these tests and will live in designated facilities around the world as not to interfere with our plans for the future."

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