§P R O L O G U E§

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Clipping in her nose piercing, Sam looked back at her reflection, staring it down with narrow eyes. Melanie, the Orphanage manager, told her at 12:00 noon the day prior a gay couple was going to be coming in to adopt two children. A boy and a girl. Being the little bitch she is, scoffed and rolled here eyes. "What the fuck, Melanie? Have you not met me before? Like, you know damn well I won't be adopted by anyone straight or gay! I'm a fucking mess! I have gashes on my wrists and I dress like a fuckin' biker! How do you expect me to do an interview with anyone before becoming the regular jack-ass I am?!"
Jack ran into the room, grabbing Sam's arm gently, nodding at Melanie, then, dragging Sam out of the room to their shared dorm. Sam kept wriggling her arms around, trying to break free of Jack's grasp. "Jack! The fuck?! Let go of me," she said, slapping him in the arms as her metal bracelets clashed together,
Jack shook his head. "No, Sam. We need to talk." Sam stopped struggling and sighed, nodding.
A hand began to wave in her face. Then, there was that Irish voice she loved waking up to hear each day of living in the Orphanage walls that confined them. "Sam? Are you awake? Your face was pale again.. are you all packed?"
She felt tears spring into her eyes and, as if uncontrollably, wrapped her arms around Jack's chest. Tears fell down her cheeks like waterfalls onto his shirt. Her sobs were muffled by the shirt's fabric, making her choke on words. Jack caressed the back of her head, comfortingly. "Sam.. what's the matter?"
She pulled away and looked at him in his baby blue eyes. "Jack.. what if they hate me? What if they see my scars? What if-"
Jack placed his pointer finger to her lips. "No more 'what ifs'. We're going to be true siblings now! I think they are gonna love you!"
Sam put on one of her rarest smiles and kissed Jack's forehead. "Thanks, Jackie. I needed that.. my thoughts have been coursing through my mind like a fuckin' fish in an ocean of darkness."
Jack nodded. "I know. It happens all the time to me, too. But, on the bright side, we are gonna be taken somewhere safer-- a LOT safer than here."
Sam cocked her head. "Where are we going?"
"Los Angeles."

Book One- I Don't UnderstandWhere stories live. Discover now