32 - It's Genetics, Child

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Yo! I'm going to finish this now for real, okay? Sorry for the inconvenience last time, school has me very busy. Please comment and vote if you like the story! Love ya'll.

Joe's POV

I'm at school, it's boring.

Ms Hastings has us all bored to death with this Mendel science class. It's about this Australian guy who discovered how traits function and whatnot. I stopped listening after a while, as always, but I didn't think about lacrosse or my crush this time.

Amazingly, I started to think about Bear. He's only 3, but he can talk and run, and the worst of all- open doors.

He always gets in my room when I'm out and messes everything up! The best part is when my mum gets home and makes me fix everything up because Bear is too young to do it himself.

Then I thought about Ned. Ned is a horrible person, I really don't like him.

My dad was very wrong cheating on my mum, but hey, he's my dad. I've got to... at least give him a chance? Anyway, I've been realizing I look a lot like my dad, and so does Mia.

She looks a lot like her dad, but Bear...

If I had to choose between my mum and Ned, I'd say Bear looks more like my mum, but now I know she has recessive traits like Ms Hastings is saying. For once, I care a little bit about what she's teaching us because I can use it.

If mum has recessive traits, Bear should look like Ned, but Ned has black hair and Bear has golden hair. Ned has a long face and Bear's face is rounded, almost square. Ned's nose has a bump, but Bear has a straight nose.

The only resemblance between them is that Ned has big lips and Bear too, but I'd say they look more like my mum's, with the Cupid's bow on the top lip and all.

If I had a say in this, I'd say Bear reminds me very much of uncle Leo, but he and mum are just friends. Ever since the island, at least.

Could Bear be Leo's son? But he and mum haven't seen each other in years! He does send presents and face times us, but he never actually came back...

Next week, mum is leaving for St. Tropez to see Leo for the first time in years, and her nervousness can be felt throughout the house. Her walking is stiff, she moved clumsily, and she drops almost everything. She's always on cloud nine, also, she's never paying attention.

She didn't even care when the teacher sent her a note the other day because I was misbehaving in class, and let me say, I didn't mind much...

Kate's POV

This week has been a complete disaster.

I thought I could remain calm, at least until I was off to the airport, but apparently, I can't. I have trouble concentrating on anything, I can barely remember when the time to pick up my children from school is. They were pissed the other day because I left them there for an hour after school was over.

I've also been drinking an insane amount of tea in an attempt to calm myself down, but I dropped a cup the other day. It shattered into a million tiny pieces and Bear hasn't been allowed near the kitchen since.


He sleeps like a rock, so peaceful. Meanwhile, my under-eye bags are turning into the under-eye underworld.

My face looks like I've been dead for a couple of days and I don't like it one bit, but I just can't close my eyes! All I do is toss and turn at night.

I just can't wait to get this over with, everything, the whole thing. The trip, the fact that Bear is Leo's son... I want it gone.

I don't even know what I want. I don't know if I wish Bear was Ned's and everything was fine or if I wish I'd married Leo and then Bear could openly be his...

I don't know anything anymore.

All I know right now is that I need somewhere to crash because this isn't gonna last much longer. I'm not gonna last much longer.

I wish it was 1997 again and all my problems were whether Leo liked me back or not, and my only source of stress was if I was getting Rose right or not.

If I hadn't been so stupid, Leo and I would be married by now. If only I'd listened to myself and not married Sam, this wouldn't have happened. Bear and Joe would be Leo's, and we would've lived a happy life, but no! I had to listen to Leo because everything he says is sacred.

Oh, Kate, what have you done...

If only, I wish, I don't know, I need, or not... all these feelings, all these other ways my life could've turned out. I regret it all, every single fucking decision.


Leo's POV

I have everything ready for Kate, she's gonna feel like the princess she is to me.

If she wants food, there's food. If she wants space, there's space. If she needs time, there's time. I'll make time for her, I'll make it stop if she needs it to stop.

I'll make everything go away. If she has pain, I'll cure it, if she's stressed out, she will relax like she never has before, if she's sad, I'll make her happy. It'll be like old times.

If she needs Ned, I'll ship him over here like a packet through FedEx, even if I turn out to hate him. If she needs her children, they can come here on a first-class plane seat.

If she needs me...

I'll do everything I have to do. Get her the moon, the stars, the sun, the ocean... anything.

Once every possible necessity of hers is covered, I should focus on the Gala.

My tux needs ironing and my shoes need polishing. I don't want anybody to do anything for me right now, I want to do it all myself, feel like I'm worth something.


The shoes and the tux were ready, now what do I do?

I came here too soon, I could've done this in three days instead of coming in a week and a half early, now I have nothing to do. I better check the news and then I can watch some movies or maybe read a new script.

There's nothing new in the news, and the script I was sent was a little too sad for me. I'd like to stick to nice films, for now, films that have life, not sad, hopeless ones. Those sadden people, you don't get a nice sensation when you're out of the cinema after you've seen one of those.

Just like sunrise came the sunset. It was 10 PM now, and I was in my pyjamas, reading and having tea in the kitchen counter. I used to have coffee at night, but Kate always had tea before bed when we filmed Titanic, and she got me used to it.

There are so many things I do now that I wouldn't do if it wasn't for Kate, both good and bad.

And just like that, my mind wandered over to Kate for the millionth time today, and my heart ached, crushed with the simple mention of her name.

I unconsciously walked over to my bed, not even remembering having brushed my teeth when I laid down, the minty taste of toothpaste lingering on my mouth.

That night marked only three more days until Kate arrived, and I dozed to sleep imagining thousands of situations we could have that would not happen.

Nevertheless, I was free to imagine and dream, so that's what I did.

That's what I always did.

There you go! Hope you liked that one. I think we can go back to Kate's memory of the party in London in the next chapter if that's okay with you all. Please don't forget to comment and vote! Much love!

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