42 - Sweetener

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Hi again! Sorry for taking too long, you know how the Holidays get. Anyway, with 4 votes against 3 in last chapter's poll, Mia's birth wins!

(Note: Leo is staying in London near Kate because he knows she's close to giving birth.)

Leo's POV

It was about goddamned four in the morning, approximately, when Kate called. It wasn't actually Kate, but a nurse using her phone to call in her emergency contact, which apparently is me. It went a little like this:

Phone Conversation:

Leo: "Kate?"

Nurse: "Good morning, sorry to bother you, sir, is this Mister DiCaprio?"

Leo: "Yes, yes, it is."

And then I remembered this is Kate's phone, but it's not Kate.

Leo: "I'm sorry, who is this? Is anything wrong with Kate? Did something happen?"

Nurse: "This is nurse Diana Harris from the London Maternity Hospital. Miss Winslet is currently being taken into the surgery room for an emergency c-section. You are listed as her emergency contact. Please come down as soon as possible."

Leo: *silent for a few seconds, in shock* "Yes, thank you very much, miss..."

Nurse: "Diane Harris."

Leo: "Thank you, Miss Harris, I will be there in a few minutes."

End of Conversation

After that, I poured a bucket or two of freezing cold water on me to make it look as if I took a shower, which I totally didn't. I brushed my teeth and made myself seem somewhat presentable as fast as possible for Kate and the new little girl she was bringing to the world.

As I sped to the hospital, I remembered I had to buy gifts for Kate since I had already prepared something for the baby, so I stopped in a small pink market and got Kate some red roses, nine to be exact: one for every month of pregnancy, a bunch of dark chocolates because they're her favourite, and pair of beautiful crystal earrings. Then I continued to speed towards the hospital.

I'd already gotten the baby a little golden bracelet with a diamond in the centre, a beautiful clear and pink pacifier, and the biggest plush bunny I could find. All this I'd gotten as soon as I found out Kate was having a girl. I knew she wasn't mine, but I'd still love her as if she was.

I barely parked correctly when I got to the hospital and ran as fast as I could t the front desk without dropping anything.

"My best friend is giving birth right now and I'm late, can you tell me where her room is, please?" I hurriedly asked the old lady, who just looked at me like I was the biggest piece of trash she'd ever seen.

"Name of the patient?" I scoffed.

"Kate Winslet." She gave me a look as if mentally asking me who the fuck I thought I was to go into Kate Winslet's room as she was delivering her baby. Didn't she know who I was?

"And your name is..." She lowered her glasses down the bridge of her nose.

"Leonardo DiCaprio. Please hurry, miss."

Her eyes snapped back at me and it instantly clicked.

"Oh my god, mister DiCaprio, I'm so sorry," she said now, giving me the fakest smile she could manage.

She must've noticed the hating fire in my eyes because she immediately corrected herself.

"Room 97, down the hall to the right."

"Thank you." And once more I sped towards room 97.

I peeked through the small window into the room and the first thing I saw was Kate still in labour, pushing. I thought she was having an emergency c-section?

A nurse noticed me and came outside, explaining the situation to me.

Turns out the c-section wasn't exactly necessary, and Kate had refused to go through with it. She kindly asked me to stay outside in the waiting room, and she'd call me in as soon as she could.

I sat in the waiting room for about two minutes, when I heard the scream.

"Leonardo Wilhelm FUCKING DiCaprio where the FUCK are you!?" Kate screamed

I turned beet red and ran towards the delivery room, not minding the nurse. I barged inside with a panicked stance and all looks landed on me, including Kate's.

She looked at me for about 0.3 seconds and I could see the relief in her eyes, then she shut her eyes closed and screamed again.

"AHH! Fucking HELL! DiCaprio, get your ass over here!"

I did as I was told and took her hand. She squeezed the living daylights out of it and I was sure I'd have to have it amputated, but I couldn't care less.

I softly stroked her forehead, drenched in sweat. Looking around once more, I still couldn't spot Jim. It seemed strange to me that Kate had called for me and not him, but I wasn't just about to ask her that in the middle of giving birth.

After about an hour and a half, Kate screamed so many curse words so loudly that I think somebody in Australia might've gotten offended, then it ended.

Wails and cries filled the room, and the doctors and nurses smiled tiredly. I looked at Kate and all she did was extend the arm she wasn't using to squeeze my hand so she could be handed the baby she had worked so hard for.

A little bundle of pink blankets and a hat was placed on her arm, and she started to shush the girl to sleep. The baby immediately calmed down in her mother's embrace, and I melted at the sight. The nurses cleaned the room up as much as they could and left us alone to meet our world's newest addition. Kate looked up at me with the biggest grin I'd ever seen on her.


That's all it took, and now she had a name. Mia was suddenly the most beautiful name I'd ever heard, right after Kate, of course.

She kissed Mia's forehead and handed her to me. I opened my arms and she carefully placed my first niece into my embrace. I caressed her soft face with my thumb and she reached up and took it. I knew then that there would never be a little girl I'd love more than this one, and I'd do absolutely anything for her.

A nurse came in and took Mia to weigh her and measure her, and brought a form Kate had to fill with the baby's full name. She wrote "Mia," and looked up at me again.

"Tell me something sweet," she asked.

"Honey?" I said, doubtful.

She threw her head back in laughter.

"I love you, dummy," she said and wrote "Honey," next to her name.

Her baby was now Mia Honey Threapleton. I suddenly remembered I was curious about where Jim was. What better time to ask her than now that Mia was away.

"Sweetheart?" She looked up from the paper she was warmly smiling at.

"Yeah?" I fiddled with my fingers.

"Where's Jim?" A dark look took over her face as she coldly answered.

"He's not here, and he won't be." Then sadness showed in her tired eyes, and she was threatening to burst into tears.

"Oh, Kate..." I said as I snuggled into the bed with her to comfort her. I put my forehead to hers and softly stroked her bare arms until we both fell asleep.

There you go! That's Mia's birth! Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to comment and vote! Next up is Leo's journal. Happy New Year to all of you! Love you all!

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