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(This might take a while to write. I just don't wanna write this story anymore but I'm gonna try to keep writing because it gives me something to do and I used to be really excited about writing 'Target' 4/27)

(I feel guilty, I haven't written anything yet :P 4/28)

[written anything lately? Nope :| sorry. Moving sucks guys. 5/03]

[*hyperventilating* 34 votes. 660 reads. 7:32 pm 5/07]

Well, detention sucks. I've been sitting here for three hours! What Eli told me yesterday is still stuck in my mind. Mr. Rogers looks scary similar to Captain America.

And me, being me, decided to bring it up.

"Hey, Mr. Rogers, has anyone told you that you look like Captain America?" I asked. I was still filing papers.

"Yes." He answered without hesitating. "I told them they were seeing things."

"No way!" I exclaimed, surprised by his words. "Seriously though, you look like Captain America."

Mr. Rogers laughed. "No I don't Alexandra."

I made a face. "Alex. Call me Alex. Not Alexandra. And yes, you do." I pulled out my phone and pulled up a picture of Captain America then showed it to Mr. Rogers.


He shook his head. "Alex, you're seeing things. I don't look like Captain America."

I shrieked in frustration. "I'm an eighteen year old woman capable of making accurate comparisons! You look like Captain America! And the guy that followed me after school yesterday looked kinda like Bucky Barnes but I couldn't really tell because I was freaking out."

"Wait, what? Back up, somebody followed you home?" Mr. Rogers asked. "Why didn't you call the police?"

"I wasn't worried about it. I know self defense, I could've taken him." I said casually. "And he didn't follow me the entire way. Only a couple blocks." And anyways, I would have known if he wanted to hurt me.

After all, I can sense ill intentions directed at me.

I mean... what?

"Alex, you can leave now." Mr. Rogers said. I jumped up and lunged for my bag.

"Thanks Mr. Rogers! See ya tomo- see ya Monday!" I shouted, running from the room.

That man, the man from yesterday, was watching again. I waved at him, trying to be friendly, but kept walking. I hoped my mom wasn't home.

My head started hurting. Not like an 'ouch' pain... more of a slow, burning pain. This, this feeling right there, that's how I know someone has ill intentions directed at me. I looked around, seeing only the man with the metal arm, and started running.

A hand clamped down on my shoulder, yanking me backwards. I let out a terrified scream and threw my arms out- knocking down the person holding my shoulder. I heard a few clicks, almost like gears turning, and suddenly I was on the ground and the man with the metal arm was standing above me.

He had on goggles and a mask, leaving him virtually indistinguishable. His hair was indeed longer than Jace's hair but shorter than Eli's hair.

Reacting quickly, I jerked my leg up and hit him where it counts then slid away and stood up. I didn't look back, I ran. I ran like hell.

"Get her!" A voice growled. I assumed this voice belonged to the man with the metal arm. I ran faster, pushing myself to my absolute limit.

I was too far from my house to safely get away. But after a quick glance at a street sign I knew I was close enough to Eli's. I kept running, still refusing to look back, and sprinted up a set of stairs that led to a red door on a blue house with a welcome mat just in front of the door.

"Eli!" I screamed. "Eli open the door!"

The red door flung open and I was pulled into the house.

"What the hell?" Eli demanded. "Why, WHY were you being followed?"


A sharp, loud- almost thundering knock echoed through the empty hall. I jumped and hid behind Eli.

"Don't answer the door. Don't." I pleaded. "Eli, please don't answer the fucking door!"

He ignored me and opened the door a tiny bit.

"Alexandra Elizabeth Sterling, why the hell is Captain America on the steps?" Eli asked, turning towards me. I stared at him.


"Where's the girl that was running?" A very manly voice asked. I hesitantly stepped into view.

"Do you live here?" The voice, belonging to Captain freaking America, asked. I shook my head.

"I live six blocks away." I mumbled. "I just needed to be safe. Eli's house was the closest safe place I knew of."

"Eli? Is he the kid that answered the door?" Captain America asked. I nodded.

"Hey! I'm nineteen years old! I'm not a kid!" Eli said defensively. "I'm old enough to enlist in the army."

"I need to get home." I whispered. "My parents will be home soon. If I'm not there-"

"I'll walk you there." Captain America interrupted. "So you're safe."

"I- I-... okay. Okay. Yeah, that... that... yeah." I said. nodding. Eli wrapped his arms around me and I screamed and threw my arms around again, knocking both Captain America and Eli over.

"Shoot! I'm sorry! I- I- I-" I stammered, covering my face with my hands. "I'm sorry."

"No worries Alex. We're fine." Eli groaned. "Just, no more forcing us down."

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm sorry." I repeated, helping him up. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me again.

"Don't worry about it. Stay safe, all right? Call me when you get home." He mumbled. I nodded.

"Yeah. I will. I promise." I said, pulling away from the hug. I turned and looked at the now standing Captain.

"I guess I'm ready to leave."

He nodded. "Then lets go."

I sighed quietly and stepped out of the comfortable, safe blue house. I scanned the area, looking for the telltale flash of silver.

"He's not out here." Captain said.

"Who is he?" I asked. Captain left the question unanswered and started walking. I had to run a little to catch up to him.

"Can you at least tell me why he attacked me?" I asked.

"He's an assassin." Captain told me. "And you're his target."

[Word count including all my little notes: 1051]

Target [Winter Solider/Bucky Barnes short story]Where stories live. Discover now