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[Be happy. I'm skipping lunch to work on this. 4/25]

[Should I add a word count at the end of every chapter? 4/26]

Chapter 1

A file dropped onto the table in front of me. I sighed and looked up at my teacher, wondering what he needed me to do now.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Detention, tomorrow after school. You'll be filing papers," I was told. I grimaced. Detention, again.

"Yes sir," I muttered, just as the bell rang. I picked my bag up off the floor and slid out of my chair.

"Remember, after school tomorrow!" My teacher yelled as I left the room. I help a thumbs up.

"After school tomorrow, got it," I called. Like I'd remember a detention.

I should rewind a bit, maybe introduce myself.

My name is Alexandra Elizabeth Sterling. I'm an eighteen year old problem child, yet one of the best students in my grade. I'm a senior in highschool in case any of you readers were interested. Which you probably aren't. It's typical for me to be in detention at least once every week, usually for something I didn't do but nobody else would take the blame so I was considered the culprit.

Don't get me wrong, I love taking the blame for other people. I'm a scape goat. It's easy to blame me, because I don't argue back. And yes, I tend to be at fault for some of the things I end up in detention for but who doesn't do stupid stuff every once in a while?

"HEADS!" A voice yelled, bringing me out of my thoughts. I jumped to the side, avoiding being hit by a skateboarder. "Sorry Alex! Didn't see you there."

Yeah, sure you didn't. The skateboarder in question happens to be my best friend Eli. I call him Ellie to annoy him.

"Yeah, yeah Ellie, I know you didn't. Because I'm in dark colors, right?" I asked jokingly. Eli made a face.

"Yeah, don't call me Ellie," he said.

"I'm not walking home right after school tomorrow," I told him, "Rogers gave me a detention again."

"Again? What for?" Eli asked, frowning. I shrugged.

"Dunno, but I'm filing papers to make up for it."

"Have you ever noticed how scary similar Mr. Rogers and Captain America look?" Eli asked out of nowhere. I laughed.

"Actually, yes. Wouldn't it be strange if our History teacher was Captain America?" I asked.

"Wouldn't you be able to tell?" Eli asked in a hushed tone. "I mean with your-..."

"Watch it Elijah Joseph," I warned him, "We don't talk about that. Remember?" Eli nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I remember. But still, wouldn't you be able to tell?"

I shook my head. "No. Not unless he wanted to hurt me."

I should explain. But I won't. Because it's supposed to be a secret.

Granted, Eli figured it out fairly quickly...

No, no. I'm still not telling.

"Hey, someone's staring." Eli told me. I looked up and looked around, not seeing anyone.

"Who?" I asked.

"That guy. Right there." He said, moving my head so I could see who he was talking about. All I saw was a flash of silver, then nothing.

"I don't see anyone..." I said.

"I could've sworn someone was standing there......" Eli mumbled, frowning. "He had long-ish hair. Like... shorter than mine but longer than Jace's. And was wearing a mask. And now that I think about it I think he was wearing goggles."

Like I'm supposed to know anyone that looks like that.

"Okay. Cool. I'm gonna go home now and do homework." I said before I walked away.

[And so our story begins :) hope you liked the chapter. Sorry it's kinda short. well.. roughly 600 words, so not short. this is word 627]

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