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(Here's the entire story, mostly unedited, in one whole page, without any of the formatting because I'm lazy. The word count does not include this note or the note at the end which contains the word count. Ok? And yes, I copy/pasted this entire story onto one document. Don't even ask why I bothered....)


<A well known rule is you don't become attached to the person you've been hired to kill.>
<Another well known rule is you don't become attached to the person hired to kill you.>

She was his target. His mission. His only goal was to kill her.

But she seemed harmless. He felt it was wrong to kill her.

He made a different call. He saved her instead


"There was a man, he was sent to kill me. I was a threat to- to HYDRA... the man had killed my mom. But I didn't hate him for it. I wasn't angry at him, I didn't want him dead... I wanted him to be somewhere safe. Somewhere somebody could care for him... I wanted to be the person that cared for him. But he wouldn't let me."

CD: She was his target. His mission. His only goal was to kill her.

But she seemed harmless. He felt it was wrong to kill her.

He made a different call. He saved her instead

Character info!!!

Name: Alexandra 'Alex' Sterling

Age: just recently turned 18

Appearance: [pic on side]

Background: I'm gonna be a mean author and say you'll learn it as the story progresses


The sound of steady breathing filled my ears, as did an annoying beeping noise. I blinked a couple times, trying to focus on something. Anything.

I'm in a hospital room, hooked up to a heartbeat monitor- aren't those called EKG's? There's someone in the corner. That someone is a man. He's wearing a hooded sweatshirt, the sleeves are pulled down over his hands.

He's awake, but blankly staring at the wall.

I let my attention wander, finding myself staring at my wrist- at the wristband on my wrist. Written on it in messy script is the name Alexandra Sterling.

Is that me? Am I Alexandra Sterling?

"Is she awake yet?" A voice asks. I look up at the doorway.

"I don't know." The man replies. I frown.

"Hello." I say quietly.

"Alex!" The man says, jumping up. "You're alive."

Yeah, no thanks to you

Where the thought came from, I've no idea- but it scared me.


"Who are you?"

"Your killer."

"Ki- you were sent to kill me? Why? I didn't do anything!"

"You're a threat. You must be taken out."

"You don't sound like you believe that."

"I- You don't know what-"

"To love her- it'd be selfish of me. I've caused her so much pain and loss that loving her is completely selfish of me."

"What if she loves you back?"

"How could she love me? I'm a monster."

"She loves you back."

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