Q & A part 2

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Q: Are you planning on writing a sequel?

A: Yes and no. If I get an idea or inspiration strikes, yeah I'll write a sequel. If not then no :(

Q: Favorite part of writing the story?

A: Oh god. I have no idea. I loved writing the entire story. I suppose the fight scenes or revealing that James lived.

Q: How does it feel to end the story?

A: I'm crying right now. Like, literally crying. There is such a great sadness in ending a story, writing the final words and being done with it. Target has been a big portion of my life since I started it and now that it's done I feel like part of me is missing. I almost wish it wasn't over yet, but it is and I can't change that because that's how the story was supposed to end. Yes, I found the paper wit he plot line. Turns out, me winging it followed the plot so everything ended up being fine. Just, god I can't believe it's done.

Q: So what happens to Eli?

A: oh Eli. He lives a happy life, goes to university in England and marries a girl that is perfect for him.

No really, I actually didn't think that far ahead. Eli was supposed to be a background character and die at the hands of the Winter Soldier but I changed my mind when I realized that Eli was a big part of Alex's life. I'm thinking about writing a prequel based solely off them meeting and becoming friends, it'd be a one shot but I think it'd be worth writing,

Q: Anything to say to silent readers or those that don't comment?

A: I wanna know if you liked the story, I mean yeah thanks for the vote but I want to read your opinion. Is that mean or selfish? I'm sorry if it is, but I want to know what you think. Because I have this overwhelming fear that you hate it but you're voting out of pity.

Q: Have you ever heard of of Skillet? If so, what's your favorite song and why?

A: Yes I have and Hero because I love the lyrics. It's also the only song I can think of that's by them.

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