⛄️ 𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒚

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it was your favourite season, winter!
the beautiful snow, the new warm clothes, the sensation of sitting near the fire, and your favourite, hot chocolate.

you were ordering your hot chocolate at your favourite cafe when a familiar face walked in. it was your school's bad boy, rocky.

that's weird.

you continue staring at him while he orders and sits down on the table in front of you.

unlike his personality, he was quite handsome. you stare at him for so long until you realised he was glaring back at you.

once you realised how idiotic you looked, you quickly pretend someone was calling you as you grabbed your phone left.

"order number five, your hot chocolate is ready!"

the cafe was silent.

"i'll take it for her,"

a voice replied to the cashier. he quickly paid and went off, holding his latte as well.

"things this girl makes me do for her i swear."

while he was walking to the train station, he saw the face he was expecting to see.


he yells at her and sees her wake up.

"you missed your train again. but at least you didn't miss your coffee."

he says with a smile.

"thanks jinjin, you're the best."


you were talking home when you felt two people following you, speeding up your pace, you to the nearest store and pretend you were buying something.

that's when you saw the same face from earlier at the cafe, rocky.

but this time it wasn't the ripped jeans and the black t-shirt, it was the shop's uniform.

"you work?"

you accidentally said out loud.

he drops the boxes he was holding and smirks at you.

"are you following me or what? and if you are, follow me back home."

he says and winks at you.

blushing, you look away and reply,

"i'm not, it's just that-"

you looked up and saw the two men who were following you from before looking around as well.

you immediately turn back and whisper, "i have two creeps following me, and i need help."

he smiles and drags you into the staffroom.

"this is the room for staff only, stay here for another thirty minutes and you'll be walking with the most handsome guy alive."

he winks again and leaves you there.

he's not that bad.

it was 8:30 pm right now

this kid works till 9:00 pm?

it was now 9:01 pm and rocky comes back.

"they left twenty minutes ago so don't worry,"


you say and you get up when rocky drags you back down to your seat.


you say looking at this guy with a smirk.

"i saved your life, so you owe me something."

you sighed, of course, the school bad boy had tricks and tips on how to get the things he wanted.

"what do you want?"

you say and he laughs.

"remember when i said if you are stalking me you should follow me back home?"


you say until you realised what he actually meant.

"i'm not staying at your place you pervert!"

you yell surprising him.

he laughs again and pulls you up.

"no you idiot, i'm following you back to your home so you're safe."

you were embarrassed, again.

then he leans closer and says,

"i wouldn't mind if a lady joined me tonight,"


you yell and ran out of the store.

"i'm joking!"

"i have her name, her school, and her address. now all i need is her love."

𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now