⛄️ 𝒎𝒋

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it's finally the day of your first anniversary.

over the past year, you've grown to fall in love with your boyfriend, mj. even though some may think he has a tough exterior, he was shy, extremely shy.

it's been three hundred and sixty-five days, and he still hasn't held your hand, hugged you or pecked your cheek. why? you may ask, but it was due to his shy personality.

he's admitted to never being in a relationship before because he was bullied as a child. however, after puberty hit him, he gained only enough confidence to make friends.

you were planning to meet him at your local café, the location of your first date. you can still vividly remember that day. it was heavily raining, you were stressed about your job and worried about your future when mj didn't say a word. even though he's two years older than you, you still find him adorable.

"hey (y/n), sorry i'm late!"

he says as he coming rushing through the café door. you smiled at him as he sat in the seat directly in front of you.

"i was shooting some hoops with jinjin and time just flew by. i'm so sorry (y/n)."

he stared at the ground as you giggled.

how can someone possibly be this cute?

after the meal at the café, you guys walked side by side around the neighbourhood. it was so peaceful and calming.

"mj, do you know what day it is?"

you ask the slightly taller boy, who just blankly stared in return. you patiently gave him some time to think. you knew his unorganised and clumsy nature, but there was still a microscopic bit of expectation in your heart.

mj stopped walking as he covered his mouth in shock.

"i'm sorry (y/n), i didn't know-"

you sighed and smiled.

of course, he forgot, he's an entrepreneur for goodness sake!

"it's okay mj, i forgive you."

you could tell through his eyes that it was bothering him. he kept looking around when he suddenly had a lightbulb moment.

"count exactly up to sixty and i'll be back,"

he says as he disappeared to god knows where. you decided to count slowly as he seemed to be in a rush, again.

you looked around and admired the nicely painted buildings, the tall trees planted by your mayor and the nearby houses. that's when you realised, the houses looked oddly familiar.

wait, isn't this mj's house?

the tired boy rushed out of the two storey building with a tiny box in his hand.

you laughed at his cuteness again and waited for him to catch his breath.  he placed the small box into your hand as he dragged you closer towards him.

your cheeks began to turn bright red. it was the first time you were ever this close to your boyfriend.

"here, it's my gift for you. happy anniversary (y/n),"

his sweet voice said as you opened the box and saw a beautiful set of earrings.

"thank you mj,"

you replied giving him a smile. he hugged you into his warm embrace and lightly kissed your forehead.

"happy anniversary (y/n), i love you."

𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now