Camping Trip (Part 1)

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*Third person P.O.V*
One beautiful morning, The Gladers are packing their bags and chucking them into 2 8-seated vans that Alby and Jorge are renting.

The Gladers go back inside Alby's house since they decided to meet their before heading off to start their camping trip.

A few minutes later, Krystal bolts out of the house with Rose following behind her---

Wait what? What's happening!?

*Krystal's P.O.V*
I quickly bolt out of the house, along with Rose who's following close behind me. We open the door to Alby's van that he's renting and quickly jump in, Me in the drivers seat, and Rose in the back, leaning across the seats to look out the window. Soon, the others quickly rush outside and try to open the van's doors, but are unsuccessful as I quickly pull the keys out of my pocket and lock all the car doors.

Alby, Newt, And Clint are all somewhat gently banging on the doors and windows, being careful so they don't damage anything. Frypan, Winston, Minho, Thomas and Chuck are on the side of the road, laughing away, Jeff, Aris and Jorge are standing off to the side, Jeff and Aris are holding in chuckles whilst Jorge just face palms, but has a smile on his face.

Teresa and Brenda smile and giggle a bit before returning back to their original conversation before hand whilst Gally stands somewhere near Alby, Newt and Clint, his arms are crossed and he's standing straight, but makes no effort to hide the small smile on his face as he let's out a chuckle.

I smile cheekily at Rose, who seems to get the same idea as I do and she smiles a mischievous smile back at me. I nod my head and put the keys in their place, turning them. I hear the engine rumble as the van starts up, Alby, Newt and Clint are now yelling at us, although their yells are muffled.

*Rose's P.O.V*
Krystal smiles cheekily at me, 'She has an idea... I think I know what she's planning' I think to myself.
I turn towards her and I send a mischievous smile back to her and she nods, before starting the van up. I look back out
the window and see Alby, Newt and Clint yelling at us from outside, I let out a laugh and stick my tongue out at them.

Krystal backs out of the driveway and drives a few metres away from what house. She slows down a bit and looks in the rear view mirror whilst I look out the back window. We break out laughing as we see almost all of our friends running down the street, chasing after us, while a few others just stay were they are and continue to laugh.

"Drive!" I yell to Krystal as I see the others catching up, she nods and drives a few more metres in front of them,

"C'mon!" I, once again, yell at her, She quickly parks at the side of the road, opens her car door and jumps out, I look out the back window once more and this time, see all our friends running towards the van.

'Why don't they just get in Jorge's van and THEN chase after us?'

"Let's book it!" I hear Krystal yell as she opens the door and motions for me to follow her, breaking me out of my current thoughts.

I let out a laugh and jump out of the van, shutting the door behind me in the process.
We quickly run onto the footpath and I hide behind a tree there, whilst Krystal, SOMEHOW jumps over me and climbs the tree quickly, sitting on a branch. She peers through the leaves.

"What's going on?"

"They just got to the van and are checking around it... I'm pretty sure they saw us run out of it" Krystal whispers back

"Yeah, no duh!" I mutter sarcastically.

She rolls her eyes back at me.
"Dang... Alby's gonna be so mad when he finds us."

"I know right! Hopefully he can somewhat forgive us" I answer

"I'm sure, he can find the room in his heart to forgive us"

Before I can retort, someone grabs my wrist and pulls me out from behind the tree. I let out a scream.

"Found one of 'em" I look up and see Gally.

"I thought I was your friend!?" I yell, dramatically placing a hand on my chest, where my heart would be,

"Okay then, where's Kryst?" Teresa asks, walking towards us. Gally lets go of my wrist and crosses his arms over his chest.

"We can't leave without my sister!" Chuck exclaims with a frown, crossing his arms,

"Your learning too much from Gally" Thomas says, joining the conversation.

"I'll never tell you! And none of you will ever find her!"

I look around and see Minho look up, and then roughly kick the tree that I was hiding behind.
"W-Whoa!" Krystal falls out from the leaves and branches,

Minho quickly catches her, holder her bridal style.

"Found the other one!" He says

"Well... That was ironic" Frypan states,
I roll my eyes as Minho walks over and places Krystal on the ground.

"Ew, cooties..." She murmurs, stepping away from him and towards me instead,

"Krystal-- Your related, to a boy!" Newt says, rolling his eyes.

"So? We're blood related! Basically the same!"

We hear a loud, HONK! HONK!

"No Thank You!"
Everyone yells, covering their ears temporarily,

"Come on, muchachos! We going or what?!" Jorge yells out from his van, honking the horn once more.

"Okay! Okay! We're coming!" Aris shouts back at him.

Everyone goes to their assigned vans.
Jorge, Frypan, Teresa, Krystal, Rose, Brenda, Minho and Gally.

Alby, Newt, Jeff, Clint, Chuck, Aris, Winston and Thomas.

|   Jorge            Frypan   |
| Teresa, Krystal, Rose  |
| Minho, Brenda, Gally |

|  Alby             Newt  |
|  Jeff, Clint, Chuck  |
|Aris, Winston, Tom|

"Alright Everyone! Here we go!" Jorge says

"This is gonna be fun!"
"Road Trip!"

We chorus before breaking out laughing. Jorge and Alby start up the cars and drive down the road away from our houses.

*Third Person P.O.V*
As the Gladers moved away from their houses, they laughed, and joked around. Excited to go camping with each other.

"This is gonna be, one heck of a time..." Rose and Krystal mumble to themselves, with smiles on their faces.

(Not edited)
Word count: 1073

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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