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Hey loves! I re-did the last chapter and here is chapter 2! I've been getting some great feedback from _Stories_Lover4ever :) I don't own Thomas Brodie Sangster, he owns us all ;) Pfffft, anyways, if you steal Fiona, I will find out who you are, and I will find you. And when I do-! I will ______ you. Well then, enjoy the story loves! ~ Becks

     Fiona regained her stamina. "Okay then, but since the set is locked up, and it's only," Fiona glanced at her laptop, "5:41, and no one gets here till 7:45, you must work here, right?" He responded quickly with a mere "Yes love,".
     She had by then realized that he had a thick British accent, dark brown eyes, and messy dirty blonde hair. She thought he looked extremely adorable and was skinny and tall but still had muscle on his arms that she could see since he was wearing a shirt that said 'Kings Will Be Kings'. She thought it was adorable.
     She shook the thought and lowered her dagger from his neck. "Apologi-" he interrupted her by saying "No I'm at fault, I'm sorry for disturbing you, and frightening you if I had by any means scared you love,". She really admired how much of a gentleman he was, and surprisingly wanted to keep up some sort of conversation.
     "So what is your profession?" Fiona asked genuinely curious. "I'm an actor, and from what I took from just watching you for few minutes, you are an actor or costume designer," he says while motioning to all of her drawings and work.
     "You're right, I am an actor, I'm playing Brenda," (if you haven't caught on at this point, they are shooting Scorch Trials, and you're playing Brenda) "I play Newt, but I'm afraid I haven't caught your name? I'm Thomas, Thomas Sangster,"
     The moment of realization hit Fiona quickly. No wonder why she recognized him, he was Thomas freaking Sangster! She had been so caught up in defending herself, she didn't even see who it was. "I-I erm, my name is Fiona, Fiona Shields," she stammered out, a little embarrassed as a small blush rose into her pale cheeks. "Don't worry love, it's alright, you don't have to be embarrassed. If anything I'm impressed how you easily defended yourself. By the way, you have a gorgeous name," Thomas said flirting a bit at the end. "By the way, you can call me Tom,"
     "Well 'Tommy', it's still early and the rest of the workers and cast won't be here for another 2 hours or so, would you like to get to know each other better? We could go to this coffee shop in a bookstore that I go to all the time, they also have tea!" Fiona nervously squeaked out, since she was afraid he would say no and decline the offer.
     She never really knew anymore with people, the teachers at her grade school would act nice and then just start yelling and- 'Stop!' She practically screamed in her mind. She needn't nor wanted to think about her past. This was now the present.
     Thomas saw her look of sadness if reminiscing about something. He also saw how she nervously asked him to go with her to the coffee shop. He thought it was adorable and he got butterflies in his stomach while saying "Absolutely, I'm new to the area and I feel like a tea would be nice right about now in this early morning, let's go!"

     • All for now loves! I'll update again if I can, or I'll just pre-write chapters for daily updates. I also was a little unsatisfied with the fact that I was writing and my phone died and I had to redo the whole chapter. Ah well as long as you all get to read it, I'll be fine! 🖤💛🖤💛 
~ Becks

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