Chapter 19 / happy

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Gray called me last night and we talked for hours, I got to bed at 2am and I knew I'd regret it in the morning but at least Gray would be tired too.

We hadn't actually talked about what we were, so we weren't offical.

I managed to crawl out of bed and I decided to have a shower to wake myself up but the warmth made me even more tired. I finally finished my makeup and got changed into my usual black jeans, I put on an olive green hoodie and put my oversized denim jacket over the top, I slipped on my vans and sprayed some perfume before heading down stairs

"Who were you talking to last night" mom said as soon as I entered the kitchen
"Huh?" I asked grabbing a piece of bread pretending I had no idea what she was talking about
"I heard you laughing" she says looking at me with one eyebrow raised
"Grayson" I say trying to fight the smile on my face
"Ohhh" she says almost laughing
"What" I snapped
"I always knew you two would someday.."
"Someday what?" I asked confused
"You two would get together" she smiles
"Mom, 1 phone call does not mean we're in love"
"Okay okay, but I'm calling it now" she says making me laugh

I walk into school and head to my locker when two big arms wrap around me, I squirm out of their grip and realise it's Grayson
"Hey pretty" he smiles grabbing both my hands swinging them back and forth
"Hello stranger" I said casually walking away so he'd follow, and he did

"Tired?" He asked as I emptied my bag into my locker
I looked at his perfect face and smiled "no" I lied giving him a wink and closing my locker
"Wanna come over tonight?" He asks while playing with the strings on my hoodie
"Is Matt coming this time?" I joke
"No way" he says
"He has practice"
"Doesn't that mean you do too?" I asked laughing
"Nah, I'm better than all of them combined, I don't need to practice" he jokes
I give him a look before walking away "you need to practise not being so cocky" i joke once he catches up to me, he wasn't wrong though he was better than most of them.

"So will you?" He asks once more
"Sure" I smile walking into my class leaving him standing there alone.

After school I wait at his locker and he shows up with Matt
"Hey" the both say walking up to me
"Hello" I say with an British accent
"So what are you guys doing tonight?" Matt jokes nudging Gray
I roll my eyes and grab Grays arm pulling him to the exit
"Bye Matt" we both say as we walk away

As we're walking out Gray intertwines our fingers and I look at him with a smile
"What?" He says
"Your cute" I say getting into the car
"Not as cute as you" he whispers kissing my cheek making me blush

We drive to his house and he has ahold of my thigh the whole time
"You know the guys on my team were talking about you the other day" he says randomly
"Saying what?" I ask concerned
"That your hot, and that they'd like to do dirty things to you"
"Ew did you tell them to fuck off?" I say putting my hand on top of his
"I almost knocked the guy out, Ethan had to stop me" he says and I believed him, Gray has always been protective over me even when we weren't technically 'a thing'

Once we get to the house we begin kissing as soon as Gray opens the door, no one was home so we laid on the couch in the lounge, me on top of Gray he used his hands to rub back and forth from my ass to my back continuing the cycle over and over.

Our lips move as one and I feel Grays tounge touch my lips asking for entrance I tease him by pushing back with mine but eventually let him in.

He rolls me over so that he's on top of me and begins kissing my neck sucking a little.

"Don't leave any hickeys on my neck or else you'll have my mother to speak to" I joke and he looks at me with a smirk
"Can I give you hickeys somewhere else?" He asked innocently
I smirked and nodded as he lifted up my shirt, to kiss my stomach.

He sucked a little here and there before getting closer and closer to my boobs. He finally reached them and I could feel his smile becoming wider as he kissed into my skin.

His warm hand had a good hold on my waist while the other was lightly tickling my ribs, using his thumb to rub up and down my skin.

I tried not to moan but I was getting turned on and I didn't know if I was ready for what was to come.

"Gray" I whisper and he looks up at me
"Don't worry baby, I'm just teasing" he smirks knowing I was going to stop him .

Finally we finish making out and Gray lays between my legs with his head on my chest as I play with his hair. Every time he would breathe out I could feel his warm breath on my skin giving me goosebumps.

Life is good.

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