Henry Bowers | 2017

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You marched out of your classroom and into the school corridor, pushing over every student in your way while you clenched your fist and bit your tongue. Everyday, after class, you would always meet your small gang of girls in the toilets to pay a visit to the school slut, Beverly Marsh. Although, the rumours weren't true because you just made them up, but you still liked to bully her since you knew you where getting alot of attention. You flung open the door infront of you, hitting a few students in the back while doing so and receiving scared looks from everyone around you. You just rolled your eyes and continued to make your way to the toilet.

"Hey slut!" You shouted as you giggled a bit, while banging your fists on the shut cubicle door. "I know you're in there."

"Leave me alone Y/N." Beverly sighed, what made you feel a little angry that she wasn't crying.

"Or what? What you gonna do? Tell?" You laughed as you kicked the cubicle door, trying to bust it open but It wouldn't budge. "Open up." You growled.

"Please. Just leave me alone." Beverly sighed again, as you heard her tap the toilet seat.

"Whatever. You're a waste of time anyway." You kicked the door again aggressively, and rolled your eyes and stomped out of the toilet, but you stopped in your path and turned back as you forgot something.

"Oh, and one more thing." You signalled to your friends and you all lifted up a pile of trash and threw it over the cubicle door, leaving Beverly covered in mouldy bread and empty crisp packets. You heard her finally sulk so you all made your way out of the toilets, and down the corridor.

Groups of girls and boys where talking and laughing in the corridor, joking about and doing weird handshakes. I walked passed a few people before spotting Henry Bowers and his gang leaning against a wall. I made eye-contact with Henry, since he was my boyfriend, and gave him a small smile before continuing in my path. Although I was stopped when I felt a arm wrap around my waist and pull me back.

"What you doing after school?" Henry whispered, as I felt his lips brush against my ear. I smirked, and turned around to face the mullet-wearing boy.

"I dunno." I shrugged as I looked up and got lost in his ocean blue eyes. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Meet me outside my house after school, yeah?" He squeezed me and then released me from the hug. I nodded and pecked him on the lips before heading back to find the girls.

-Time Skip- ** After School **

"Where you going?" My friend, Melanie asked me as she nudged my side.

"To see Henry." I rolled my eyes and pushed her away, as I started to fast walk to his house.

"Ok bye." She sighed as she ran back over the street.

I started making my way to Henry's house, which was atleast a 10 minute walk from school but I didn't mind.

-Time Skip- ** Outside of Henry's House **

"Whassup fuckers?!" I shouted as I ran over to Henry and his gang standing around his car. Henry smiled and hugged me before rummaging around in his back pocket, to reveal his dads gun.

"Come on." He smiled sneakily and grabbed my hand before guiding me over to a bunch of stripped car parts.

Belch placed a bottle ontop of a broken table and Henry pressed the trigger and shot it, with it smashing in the process. I smirked and rolled my eyes as I looked over at what Belch was placing on the table again. It was a ginger cat, I looked over to Henry and saw a spark in his eye. I won't argue, I love it when his eyes do that but I knew that meant he was up to something.

"Hold it still." He growled as he watched the cat carefully. The cat was wriggling about a bit but Belch was able to hold it still after pulling on its tail. Henry was just about to shoot, but we both jumped as we heard a loud slam from behind us.

"What do you think you're doing boy?!" I turned around swiftly, along with Henry and his Dad was standing there with his fists clenched and a filthy look on his face.

"I was just messing with it." Henry looked down at the ground and handed the gun back to his Dad. His Dad snatched it out of his hand and towered over Henry.

"Playing with my gun huh?" He muttered to Henry, Henry didn't say anything and he kept staring at the ground. His Dad started to turn around, but quickly turned back around and shot the ground near Henry's feet.

I looked over to him and he was now shaking violently, while cover his face with his hands, I was about to go and comfort him, but I looked back over to his Dad who was now staring at me and I froze.

"Y/N." He started walking slowly towards me, twiddling his gun around in his hands. He stared down at me, like he did to Henry but I looked up at him. "How could you be in love with such a pussy?" He growled at me, In fear I took a step back what almost sent me plummeting to the ground but I kept my balance.

"I-.. He- .. It -.. Uh." I stuttered as my brain raced to find a sentence.

"I don't know what you think, but I think your completely and utterly stupid." He smirked and backed away from me and made his way back into the house, before slamming the door.

I looked over to see Henry still shaking, I immediately wen't over to him and started comforting him like I'd always do when he has a bad encounter with his Dad.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you to Henry." I passionately kissed him on the lips, and hugged him close.

* * *

-Sorry this was shit

-Remember, Requests are still open!
-I might write a Richie one next ;0

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