Henry Bowers | 2017

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Henry's POV

It was our last lesson of the day, me Patrick and Belch where all sitting at the back of the class talking about all the girls in the class. I didn't like many girls to be honest, except from this one girl called Y/N. She hanged out with us occasionally, because she was Vic's sister. I didn't really know why I had feelings for her but there was just something about her I loved, but the only issue was Patrick. I knew that Vic wouldn't mind me dating his sister, but Patrick took a liking to her aswell.

"What about Gretter?" Belch sniggered at the short plump girl, who was a total bitch by the way.

"Eww no." Patrick furrowed his eyebrows and fake gagged. Belch sniggered again, and started scanning the room for anouther girl.

"Oooh, what about Y/N?" Belch narrowed his eyes, and turned his head back facing Patrick.

I felt my face heat up, and clenched my fist's when I heard her name. If Patrick said anything rude about her I would probably explode and not hesitate to 'throw hands'. I put all of my attention on their conversation and prepared myself.

"Fuck yeah, I wonder what she'd be like in bed?!" He laughed manically.

I felt myself snap, that was it. I had had enough of all of the trash talk coming out of Patrick's gob-whole, especially when it was about Y/N. My face heated up even more, I clenched my fist as tight as I could before smacking it hard against Patrick's nose. I watched him fall off of his chair and onto the cold classroom floor, while blood poured from his nose like a waterfall.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted at him and kicked his leg, as everyone was staring at us all.

The teacher re-entered the classroom as she probably heard all of the commotion, she stopped dead in her tracks and dropped her books as she rushed over to Patrick. I looked around and saw Y/N sitting at her desk, sniggering as she watched Patrick struggle on the floor.

"You're Dad is going to hear about this Bowers." My stomach dropped, as the teacher whispered to me and helped Patrick up and back to his chair handing him some tissues to wipe his bloody nose with.

Not my Dad, anything but my Dad! My brain screamed as I looked at the floor blankly like my soul had been torn out. My stomach twisted in knots in different directions -

"Richie and Henry swap seats." I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "You're not sitting anywhere near Patrick! Now move!"

I groaned and picked up my stuff and placed it on my new desk. I looked around at the people I was sitting nearby. That stuttering freak Bill infront of me, the school slut Beverley to my right and tha-. I stopped and stared at the girl next to me, it was Y/N. I smiled to myself knowing that she was next to me, everyone started talking again.

"Hi Henry." I lifted my head up from drawing on my hand, to see Y/N talking to me. Oh shit what do I do?

"H-hi." Great, now I sound like a stuttering freak like Bill. Just great. My face heated up, so I lifted my hand up over my mouth and nose and I bit the inside of my lip.

"What was that all about?" She asked me with narrow eyes, "I bet Patrick deserved it though, he's such a pervert." She scoffed.

"He did." I mumbled to her whilst fiddling with my pen-lid. I was nervous, what if I said something she didn't like?

"Yeah, I don't like him he's a prick." She sighed, and placed her hand under her chin.

Wait, she didn't like Patrick? I felt a bolt of happiness rush through my veins at how I had a chance to make Y/N mine. Finally! I was so engaged in my thoughts, I didn't even notice the bell had rang and everyone was leaving.

"Wanna walk with me?" I heard Y/N ask, I nodded and grabbed my things and headed out with her and passed the losers club. I wanted to intimidate them but Y/N was with me and I didn't want to make a fool of myself before I even got a chance to ask her out.

We where walking out of school, and I saw Patrick and Belch gathered around a small shrub. I had no idea where Vic was though. They noticed me and Y/N, and started walking towards us. I gave Patrick a dirty look before he shot me one back.

"Patrick here want's to ask you something, Y/N." Belch grinned and said in a sort of sarcastic tone.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked her.

My stomach dropped again, and my heart shattered into multiple pieces leaving me with a sincere look on my face. I was about to cry, before I felt myself rise in anger. How could he do this? He should've gotten the message by now!

"Um.." She raised one eyebrow and glanced around to probably look for her brother. "No offence, but I'm gonna have to decline."

"Think about it... maybe?" Patrick squinted one eye and fiddled with his wrists as I kept staring at him in rage.

"Uhh..." She trailed off, I wanted to kill Patrick. He was such a douche bag! I could see that Y/N was struggling with what to say.. so I helped her out.


I just got asked out by Patrick fucking Hockstetter, JUST WHY?! I really didn't want to say yes but at the same time I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I knew what it was like to be in love and the other person not be in love with you back, and I couldn't bare to do this to someone. I started to become anxious and sweat, while fiddling with the inside of my jumper.

"Y-." I started before-

"She's actually going out with me." I heard someone say next to me. I looked over to who said that life saving sentence, Henry!

I sighed in my thoughts with relief, and watched Patrick turn away and walk to god knows where. I felt bad though.. but relieved.

"Oh god thanks." I let out a massive sigh and rested my shoulders. I wen't to give him a hug, but I saw Victor walking out of the school entrance so I stopped.

I stared at him, making sure he wasn't looking at me and Henry. I smiled when he noticed me, but I kept on eyeing him up and down like a stalking cat. I think I was making him uncomfortable so I stopped and faced back to Henry.

"Fuck. Patrick's gonna tell Vic." I slapped my forehead, "Then he's gonna figure out we lied!"

"Well... It doesn't have to be a lie." Henry shrugged. I thought for a little before realising what he was gesturing to. Was he now legitimately asking me out?

"I-It's ok if It's a no.. by the way." He trailed off, playing with his fingers and glancing around at the scenery.

"Y-yeah." I nodded, "I guess I could give it a shot." I lightly laughed, and pulled him in for a hug without paying attention to anyone around me.

"Really?" He asked, smiling as we pulled out of the hug.

"Yes Henry." I grinned, "Really."

* * *

YES BITCHES TOMORROW IS FRIDAY! WOOP WOOP! More Imagines are coming tonight but if not, I guarantee at the weekend!

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