Henry Bowers | 1990

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I was fucking desperate to write this one cus I love Jarred. 😤💕 it's short but im off school for a week so here.


"What about next week then? Pleaseeee?" Y/N pleaded Henry for the 4th time, hoping if she would moan at him for longer she'd succeed in being able to have a sleepover with Henry at one point.

"I've already told you, if my old man finds out I have a girlfriend I won't hear the end of it." Henry huffed, getting frustrated at even the sight of Y/N.

"But you can stay at my place! We don't have to go yours you know!" Y/N pointed out the obvious to him, hoping again he'd agree.

"Yeah and what am I supposed to say to my dad then? 'Oh I was at Patrick's house all night.' He's then bound to think I'm gay if I say that Y/N!" Henry huffed again, trying to contain his anger.

"Well..." Y/N swallowed and thought, avoiding any eye contact for a moment. "...what if you snuck out whilst he was sleeping then be back in the morning?" Y/N beamed with hope as she got that idea out there.

"But.. well.. mhm I guess that could work." Henry said, earning a smile from Y/N.

"Yes! So next week, on Friday be at mine whatever time just don't be too late." Y/N hugged Henry as she heard him mumble a yes every time she told him an instruction. "Oh, and if you can't make it it's fine. You know I don't want you getting hurt and all."

"I won't get hurt." Henry sighed.

"Henry I- ok just be careful then." Y/N held back as she knew he hated it when she told him he was lying.

- time skip to: Friday, 22:30 pm

Y/N heard a knock on her door, as she was waiting in the living room for Henry to arrive she guaranteed this was him.

She hurried along to the door, unchained it and was greeted by Henry what made her beam with happiness. He didn't look like he ran into any trouble so Y/N let him inside with no concern and lead him up to her bedroom.

It was quite late, as she realised her Mum and Dad where sleeping she didn't want to wake them to the sound of her TV. So she decided that Henry and her should just cuddle up for the night and head to bed with no worries.

Speaking of no worries, that changed when they both got into bed with each over and Y/N's hand ran over something on Henrys skin. It was like a bump, like a line or something. She didn't quite know, she didn't wanna question it but she wanted one more feel. She felt again, it felt like more this time, like more bumps. She ran her finger down them, not along them and figured that they where cuts. A lot of them in his arm.

She felt that she had failed him, as his lover. As she hadn't given him enough love and affection to heal him. Sorrow is all she felt, she had to try harder.

By that, she buried her face into his chest so deep you could hear his soft heartbeat. Henry was precious to her, she didn't want him to feel left out again.


This sucked balls but I'm like writing on my phone rn and I can never add a lot of detail on my phone so sorry lol.

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