Henry Bowers | 1990

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He's was just too cute oh my-

*sorry if i wrote you out of character, just go a lot with it.
*set in henrys house.
sorry i accidentally keep switching between second person, first person ect. (i havent wrote in ages.)

A never ending black abyss was planted before your very eyes, the pitter pattering of rain plummeting against a small glass window grew louder by the second. You could feel the icy air creeping slowly up the covers, you felt the breeze nibble at your feet as you flinched in shock at how brisk the draft was. Slowly, you lifted your head up to gaze out the slightly cracked window. However, you felt fear jolt through your veins as the sky flashed white with no sound following after it. It was only a simple flash of lightning, although it still made you sweat with dismay.

"Henry?" You whispered shakily as you cuddled up closer to him, you hugged his torso tightly and rested your head on his chest so that you felt secure. "Henry? Are you awake?"

There was no answer. All you could hear was the boy softly breathing, and the terrifying noises from outside.

"Henry, wake up." You whispered with a tone of angst in your voice, as you decided to sit up and shake his right arm until he awoke.

"What the fuck do you want?" He groaned, as he extended his arm to rub his eyes.

"I'm scared." You mumbled to him, as you bowed your head.

You heard Henry huff before the bed creaked as he gradually sat up. You felt his eyes on you for what seemed like many minutes, but was only a few seconds. Slowly, he got closer to you and lifted your head up by your chin, as your eyes met his shadowy face, darkened by the lack of light. Henry's chocolate brown hair fell messily in front of his forehead, with his tired looking eyes looking straight into yours, his facial expression made it seem that he wasn't pleased.

"You're scared?" He said in a sarcastic questioning type of tone, whilst he tilted his head a little in annoyance.

"I'm sorry Henry." You sorrowfully said, not answering his sarcastic question.

It was silent for a few minutes, before another silent flash of lightening lit up the sky. Suddenly, you tensed up as it completely jump scared you.

"It's okay.. just.. lay down." He said softly.

It was easy to tell he was trying to make an effort and comfort you and not be mad, which made you smile as you both laid down next to each other.

"Uh, I'll be right back." He then stated out of the blue, as he yanked the bed sheet off himself and let all the frosty air into the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"I need a piss, I'll be back in a minute." With that being said, Henry opened his door slowly and he wandered off to the bathroom.

Y/N was left alone, feeling rather terrified. Henry's bedroom was quite messy to be honest, he had clothes scattered across the floor along with a few normal looking magazines. Although, he had no idea that you knew where he kept his 'not so innocent' magazines.

On the other hand, Henry was walking as quietly as possible so that his Dad didn't awake.

Time passed, it had been 1 minute before Henry had left. You'd been timing it out of fear, to help distract yourself from the terrifying weather outside. Although, terror jolted through your veins as the sky grumbled, following up with a piercing sound of a thunderbolt. The bolt lit up Henry's room for a quick second. Tears started flooding down your face and you hid yourself under the bed sheets, as you where longing for Henry's presence to calm you down. Thunderstorms had always scared you, they just seemed so menacing.

As the rain started to hit the window swiftly, you started hearing footsteps heading your way. Relived, you saw Henry enter. Closing the door quietly behind him, he looked down at the bed to see you trembling in fear with hot steamy tears pouring down your face. He looked at you confused for a second, before he pulled you into a hug. Your arms wrapped around his torso as his arms went around your shoulders. The hug made you feel secure, and loved and gradually the tears started to stop.

A minute passed of sobbing and sniffing, once you had composed yourself Henry slowly lied you down on the bed. He made sure you felt safe, with that leading up to him letting you snuggle up closely to him as you started to drift away. You quietly listened to the rain hitting against the window, as your body's snuggled up next to each other which was generating heat.

"I love you." Henry whispered in a calm tone, as you felt his soft lips meet your forehead.

"I love you too." You replied, keeping your voice low.

With that being said, you both calmly drifted off to sleep.


Thank you for reading ;))) i will be doing the rest of the requests soon

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