Eddie Kaspbrak (Request @Ravenclaw_Ray)

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Requested by Ravenclaw_Ray

Eddie's POV

"Stop lying, we all know you like her Eddie." Richie told me nudging at my side. Me and him where walking to the pharmacy to pick up my inhaler for this week, I wish I'd never of brought Richie along with me now because all he was going on about was Rachel. It was true, I did have a huge crush on her but I don't think she likes me in the same way plus I didn't want anyone knowing about my feelings for her.

"Richie stop, I do not like her!" I fought back, trying not to blush when he mentioned her name.

We where only a couple of steps away from the pharmacy, I decided to pick up my pace so I could get out of this conversation quicker. Although I knew Richie wouldn't just ditch this conversation... he'd continue it until he got a solid answer out of me. I turned around the corner and pushed the pharmacy door open, before my eyes could meet -

"Oh look, there she is now." Richie laughed. Rachel was walking back from the counter to exit, whilst me and Richie where walking into enter. I crossed my fingers hoping that Richie wouldn't say anything stupid - but there was a very low chance that he wouldn't.

"Rachel! Me and Ed-." Richie waved at her, she lifted up her head with a warm smile. I realised what Richie was going to say though so I slammed my hand over his mouth.

"Hi guys.. um Eddie what are you doing?" Rachel giggled at the sight of my mouth covering Richie's mouth.

"Um we're just coming to get my inhaler. Goodbye now." My mind filled with thoughts as I felt my face burn up at the sight of hers. I didn't want her seeing me like this - I rushed over to the counter with Richie still in my grip.

After a while, I started feeling bad on how I just totally ignored Rachel. I hope she doesn't hate me now.

Rachel's POV

After running into Richie and Eddie at the pharmacy, I exited with a million thoughts in my brain. What was Richie going to say? I managed to shrug it off though as I started walking back to my house.

I was now halfway up the road from the pharmacy - my house wasn't too far away. Eddie was still drifting around in my mind though. The reason for this is that I did have quite a large crush on him. I thought he was so cute and innocent.. he was the perfect adorable Eddie as usual. I was so caught up in my mind that I didn't notice my friend calling out to me across the street.

"Hey Rachel!" She shouted, as she crossed the road carelessly.

"Hi.." I trailed off, still thinking about Eddie.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, I felt my face slightly burn up as goosebumps trailed up my arms.

"Nothing." I shrugged off and stared at the pavement I was walking ontop of. I didn't want to show my face to her or either make eyecontact, I was to scared she'd find out and tell everyone my little secret.

"You can tell me, I won't tell anyone! I swear!" She pleaded me to tell her. To be honest, she was one of my best friends so I thought about it before opening up to her. Screw it.

"It's Eddie." I sighed revealing my flushed face to her. Her mouth dropped at the sight of my face and what I had just told her. "I like him.." I trailed off again.

"OH MY GOD FINALLY!" She squealed in my ear, which made me laugh but still get even more embarrassed.

"Can you shut your mouth!" I whispered and shouted at the same time - my friend still in shock.

"You do realise he has a crush on you too?!" She announced.

My jaw dropped slightly as my mind started to process the words what just came from her mouth. My face heated up even more as my stomach started to get butterflys.. does he really share the same feelings as me?

"What.. really?" I asked excitedly, hoping this was my chance to finally get with him.

"YES! YOU TWO WOULD LOOK SO FUCKING CUTE!" She squealed again, making everyone on the street turn around and stare at us.

"Not so loud!" I hit her arm as she apologised quietly, luckily everyone turned around and we weren't being stared at anymore.

"Where is he.. Where's Eddie?" She asked slightly panicking in excitement.

"The pharmacy is where I la-." Before I could finish my sentence she had yanked my arm and we where both running back down the path to the pharmacy. "I don't think I'm ready to ask him yet though!" I shouted out to her as we continued running.

"I don't care! You're doing it if you like it or not!" She shouted back.

We where finally outside of the pharmacy as I saw Eddie and Richie heading back out. My hands started to tremble and my breathing became hitched whilst I was regretting telling my friend. He was getting closer and closer to us and my face started blushing. Stop Rachel! Stop blushing - you look like a weirdo!

"Listen if you don't wanna ask him, I'll ask for him for you - deal?" She offered, I liked that idea so I frantically nodded as I watched Eddie and Richie step outside.

And there me and him where, standing face to face with mine covered in redness. I noticed that his started to get flushed aswell.. this must mean he really does have feelings for me aswell.

"Eddie." My friend started, before she wandered over to him and whispered something in his ear. I got a little anxious when they did that.. but It was recovered with Eddie tightly hugging me.

My face got even more hotter and my hands began to feel sticky from the sweat. The hug was short but sweet, as we pulled away Eddie stared at me with wide eyes and a flushed face himself.

"Do you really.. you know?" He asked, I nodded and pulled him into anouther warm hug. This time it was comfortable and calmed down my emotions.

"Yes.." I answered - my face still flushed and hands still sweaty.

"Well.. I love you Rachel." He stated, I got a rush of many emotions rush through my veins. The best one was love.

"I love you too Eddie." I stated to him aswell, wanting to stay in his grip forever.

* * *

I hate making non detailed Imagines with shitty words................... but fuck it's late at night ok?

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