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Now that I've finished publishing it all and have changed chapter 14 to epilogue cos I prefer the number 13, imma probably read this again. I might cringe a bit but I'm cool with that. I should have left it to be as it was back then. Better late than never, as they say. This ship is mostly dead now. But I'm okay with what I've just done... Wish it hadn't taken me so long.

"Where are we?"

"Nowhere. Everywhere. And everything in between."

"What the- who said that?" I grinned in the darkness.

"It's time to confess."

"Are you the one who's been sending us those boxes?" I nodded at Dipper from the darkness.


"Show yourself." Pacifica gazed into the darkness. I chuckled and tapped her.

"I'm over here Paz." She jumped. I stepped back into the darkness. Suddenly, hands sprang out and grabbed them. They screamed as they were injected with something.

"My neck!"

"What was that?! What do you want from us?!"

"All will be revealed in time." I shrugged mysteriously.

"What did you put in us?"

"Truth syrum. Borrowed it from a  friend, Beatrice Prior. I've been meaning to use it." I shrugged and put two spotlights on them, still in the darkness. Then they started screaming. I rolled my eyes and stopped the pain.

"What... what was that?!"

"Better start talking. The more you lie, the more it hurts."

"How is this better than wrath?"

"You would've killed each other. Duh?"



"Come on. You guys are being so difficult. I'm supposed to be enjoying your pain. Maybe I should make your voices disappear-"

"Sorry crazy."

"Thank you. I'll get you two started since you won't do it yourselves. Pacifica. Here it is. And this is the question we've all been asking since the first season." She groaned.

"What is it?"


"Okay. Is... your blonde hair real?"



"Are you kidding me?! Of course it is!"

"Huh. Did not see that coming."

"Same here crazy voice."

"You thought it was fake?" He chuckled nervously.

"Dipper. Why didn't you want to go to college?"

"Wh-What? I already told you. To explore and-"

"LIAR!" He shrieked.

"Okay, okay! I'll... I'll talk." Pacifica looked at him curiously. She avoided her gaze. "I didn't want to get bullied. So I left Mabel and made up the whole exploring thing. Then I got stuck with Pacifica which really sucked at first but it's actually not that bad and I'm actually enjoying it. Although we didn't really get that far away from Gravity Falls. Maybe next time... I'm so sorry Mabel."



"Bells." She stiffened.

"No." I kicked the pain up a notch. She growled.

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