chapter 3: i'm not making any sense

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Clarke's POV

Three days had gone by and I was still in 2149. We went on with our days like we usually did. I probably did dream of New York and my father, and that slightly obnoxious pink room..but the bed was comfortable. And I had five blankets, who needs five blankets-

"Hey! Clarke! Stop day dreaming and lets go! We're going on a little hunting trip!" Raven shouted as she got into the rover.

I hopped into the back seat next to Bellamy and closed the door.

"We're running low on food again?" I asked.

"No, Clarke, we thought we would just waste ammo and bring nothing back to camp," Murphy said rolling his eyes.

"Never change, Jonathon..never change," I joked.

"Call me that again and you won't have hands tomorrow," he said.

"So are you feeling better, Clarke?" Bellamy asked turning his head towards me.

"Yeah, I think I was just dreaming. Or hallucinating. But I know this is real, right here, right now-"

My body felt numb again as I began to seize. I could hear Bellamy screaming for Raven to stop driving. I could almost feel his warmth as I was being picked up and brought outside. I was laid on the ground and Bellamy was panicking. Raven rolled me onto my side, I could feel her hands shaking. My eyes closed, and just like that, it was dark.


"Her heart rate is accelerating!" Someone shouted.

My eyes quickly opened and a rush of panic began to wash over me. The pain was almost unbearable, but I've experienced worse. I began to scream, to cry,  I was trying to sit up, only to be pushed back down.

"She should not be awake! Put her back under!" the same person exclaimed.

"W-what? No! No!" I fought through whatever they were shooting into my body. I will not be trapped in Mount Weather again.

"Mount-Mount-Weather!" I shouted angrily as I tried sitting up. One of the women in the room had begun to strap my arms down but I punched her in the face, I removed every needle, every tube from my body and rolled myself off of the cold, metal table. My vision was increasingly blurry, but I still made out the shape of the door. I ran as best as I could and pushed open the door. I looked around, seeing everything white and clean. It smelled like chemicals and was quiet. I hadn't noticed that there was a staircase until I was falling down it.

"Clarke!" Someone screamed.

"You-you can't let them..take me!"

"Okay, okay, honey. Bellamy, my bag, please!" that same person shouted.

"They're going to kill me!"

Next thing I know, a needle had been pushed into my neck and the world faded away.

----four hours later----

I woke up in a room similar to the halls I previously saw. It was clean, pristine, and still smelled of strong chemicals.

"She's waking up," I heard.

I started mumbling incoherently as I sat myself up. A set of hands tried to steady me out but I pushed them away saying,

"I don't need help."

"You need help."


"Bellamy!" I exclaimed wrapping my arms around his neck, engulfing him in a hug.

He stumbled a little bit but I could feel him melt into my arms. He detached my arms from his body and held my face in his hands.

"You know you punched a nurse, right?" He laughed.

"Do not laugh, Bellamy! Thankfully, she won't press charges against Clarke or me, for that matter. I could have been fired," my mother said.

"Wait, so I'm back? Or I'm back back?"

"You're not making any sense again," my mother said walking towards my bed.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"You're in the hospital, in New York-"

I groaned and threw my head back. I didn't know what was happening to me.

"Not this again..Clarke, if you don't start pretending you're okay, we're going to have to have you evaluated," my mother said resting her hand on my face.

"I need you to tell me that it is okay, that you are okay."

"I'm okay," I said, my voice wavering only a little.

"You never cease to amaze me, C. You're so strong," Bellamy said still next to me.

"Have you ever tried calling me Princess?" I asked. 

"Princess? That's a little much, don't you think?" He laughed.

"Is it?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think I'll stick with C," he laughed.

"What do I call you in this world?" I asked him, my eyes not meeting his.

"Well, when we're-"

Jonathan coughed, trying to remind Bellamy that my mother was in the room. He smiled, and whispered in my ear. My eyes widened and my cheeks were a new shade of pink. 

"I swear, you two," my mother said storming out of the room.

"Really? I call you that?" I smirked.

"All night long-"

"Bellamy! That is very inappropriate!" Jonathan exclaimed.

"Oh, shut up, Murphy," Bellamy said kissing my cheek.

"Wait, did you just call him Murphy?" 

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