chapter 11: of course i still love you

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Bellamy's POV (WHOA WHAT?! I KNOW)

"Abby, you have to save her!" I screamed, tears freely flowing down my face.

"I'm sorry, Bellamy. There is nothing I can do," she said reaching for my arm. I pulled away and tried compressions on Clarke's lifeless chest. Nothing. I began to try mouth to mouth, but nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing!

"Bellamy, you need to stop," Abby said yanking me from Clarke. 

"No! You're her mother! You have to at least try to save her!" I yelled, getting closer to her face while tightening the grip around my gun that was around my waist.

"Don't do something you'll regret," she said noticing my grip.

"Save her," I begged, my voice abandoning me. 

"I'm her mother and even I know she can't be saved-"

A loud gasp was heard and we all turned our heads. 

"C-clarke?" I rushed to her sighed. Her breathing was heavy and irregular and her eyes were opened wide, almost like she was terrified. I would be too if I was dead and then alive. 

"Breathe with me, Clarke," I said breathing in and out with her. 

"Don't just stand there, Abby! Help me!" I exclaimed. She hesitated for a moment, just looking at Clarke. Something felt off, but then again, everything always felt a little off. 

"I'll grab my medical bag," she said rushing out of the room. Right when she left, Clarke grabbed me by my shirt and brought me closer to her.

"Trust me, as much as I want to make out with you right now-"

"You gotta get me out of here. It doesn't make sense, but my mom is doing this to me. Bellamy, get me out of here," she said not once stumbling over what she was saying. She was completely rational. 

"You were just dead, you shouldn't leave," I said, not knowing how to react to that.

"My life is in danger, Bellamy. You still love me, right?" She asked. I looked at her, almost hurt.

"Of course. I never stopped, I will never stop. I believe you okay? But how am I supposed to sneak you out-"

"I'm back, move out of the way, Bellamy," Abby said holding a syringe with a yellow liquid I was not familiar with. 

"I don't think we should inject anything else in Clarke's body, Abby. She's been through enough for now, we just got her back. You just got her back and yet you only seem anxious," I said, standing in front of Clarke.

"Do you want her to seize again? Do you want her die? Without this, she will die. Do you really want that to be on your hands?" She asked taking one step closer. 

"You take one step closer and I will shoot," I warned grabbing my gun and loading it. 

"No, you won't. I know you won't-"

I fired the gun in the air, and while Abby was still shielding herself, I picked up Clarke, knocked Abby over, and ran out of the medical station. 

"Bellamy, what are doing?!" Murphy asked running next to me.

"Clarke's in danger, her mom is involved, I just knocked Abby on the ground and fired a gun, so now you're all caught up. Let's go!" I screamed, still running with Clarke in my arms.

"Let's go? As in me? You're dragging me into this!?" Murphy exclaimed grabbing random supplied as we kept running.

"Well, you're grabbing supplies so yeah, I would say you're now in on this," I laughed.

"You always find danger, and I'm always stupid enough to follow you, both of you!" He joked, but we both knew he was right.

"Bellamy," Clarke groaned.

"What is it, princess?" I asked with concern literally flowing from my voice.

"My mom.."

"I know, I know. I'm going to keep you safe. We're going to figure all of this out," I reassured her.

"I love you," she weakly said, smiling at me. Her eyes had so much hurt in them, but there was a glimmer of light, a glimmer of love. That would keep me going. She would keep me going.

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