chapter 6: what am I supposed to do with this?

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Clarke's POV

I've been awake for almost nineteen hours now. I should be tired, but I feel as energized as I did when I first drank this medicine. 

"Clarke!" I heard in my doorway. 

"Bellamy," I smiled.

"You dropped this," he smiled handing me a rectangle. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked taking it.

"Are you joking? It's your phone."

The look of confusion on my face must have been noticeable because he continued saying,

"You call people on it? You text? You post to your social media accounts-"

"Oh, so like, a radio," I said and he laughed.

"That's a weird way to put it, but yeah, like a radio."

I swiped my hand across the bottom of the screen where it said to swipe. My eyes wandered the screen but I had no idea where to start. 

"Here, press messages," Bellamy said guiding my finger to a green bubble on the screen.

I had so many 'messages.'

"See? Click ours," he said.

I pressed the box that had "Bells" written on top in a bold style.

"Did we radio these to each other?" I asked, my lips curving into a smile.

"C, it's a text. Come on, you're scaring me now," he said rubbing my shoulder. 

"I'm sorry, I don't remember anything, Bellamy. But I'll learn." 

"It's late, I should get going," he sighed.

"I feel so awake, Bellamy. I don't think this medicine can be safe in anyway," I said, my voice shaking. 

"Your mother-"

"Would never harm me, I know. But I want to be able to sleep, Bells. I want to be able to dream again. It's so much better than the real world."

"Don't you mean two worlds? Didn't you say you're from the future?" Bellamy replied almost laughing.

"What other world?" I asked. 

"Only the other world you keep mentioning to everyone," he said.

"I don't remember.." I whispered, leaning my head against my wall. 

"What do you mean you don't remember? you know what's been happening the past month?"

"I had a seizure-"

"No, you've had seven seizures," he said as I detected a new tone of concern in his voice.

"That's not true," I said pushing his arm off of me.

"I wouldn't lie to you-"

"That's not true! You're lying! Get out!" I started crying. 

"No! You are on the verge of a complete mental breakdown!"

"Bellamy, I don't know! I don't know, I don't know," I whispered as I started rocking. 

"Move over," he said getting in bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and laid my head on his chest. He brought the covers up to my chin and began to run his fingers through my hair. 

"Breathe, Clarke. Just breathe," he said. 

So I breathed. In for five seconds, out for another five seconds. I began to count Bellamy's heartbeats.






"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Counting your heartbeats," I replied, but then I had to stop counting because a sharp pain shot up through my back and was resonating in my spine. I groaned and clutched onto Bellamy's shirt. 

"What's wrong? Clarke!"

"Pain," was the only thing I could manage to say.

"Your mom's at work, what do I do!" He began to panic as he searched for his phone. 

"Hello? Yes, my girlfriend is in a lot of pain and I don't know what to do, you need to send an ambulance!" I could hear but I didn't want to open my eyes for the fear of a greater pain. Closing my eyes didn't help much, but it didn't hurt. 

"You're okay, they're sending someone over. You're okay," he said as he scooped me up into his arms. I felt every step of stairs through the pain in my back. 

"I can't-I can't breathe," I gasped, still clutching onto his shirt.

"I know, I know. But you're going to be fine," he tried to reassure me. 

I knew my body. I knew what normal felt like. I wasn't fine. 

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