chapter 13: no one told me about the water

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Clarke's POV (Two Hours Later)

Murphy and I were laying in the cave Bellamy told us to go to..hopefully..all caves are pretty much the same. Murphy was trying to rest from the extra exercise he had to do.

"Murphy!" I whispered. "Are you asleep?"

"Are you in danger?" He mumbled.


"Are you seizing or dying?" He mumbled more.

"No, but-"

"Then we don't need to talk," he said facing away from me now.

"I'm going to get married," I smiled.

"I know you are. I was there, remember?"

"You helped save my life, Murphy. Thank you," I told him. He rolled away from the wall to face me. When he opened his eyes, he smiled.

"I might hate everyone, but I always hated you a little less."

"I always hated you a little less than everyone, too," I smiled.

"Bellamy told me what he was going to do," he said, now not making any eye contact with me.

"What is going to do?"

"I shouldn't tell you..but you're kind of married now? So I have to tell you? Maybe?"

"Spit it out," I said as I could feel the fear rising up in my body.

"He's turning himself in for the attempt of taking Abby's life and interfering with your medical needs. He's going to say that he wanted you to die." If I had any color on my face, it all went away in that moment. My body began to tremble, but not in fear. In desperation.

"No one's going to believe that Bellamy Blake wanted Clarke Griffin dead," I said, accusing him of lying.

"He's going to say that he didn't want you to be in pain, and that if you had died, you would finally be free."

"He's going to die," I whispered, then laughed. Then I kept laughing and laughing. I laughed so hard a tear escaped my eye.


"This is hilarious! I get engaged and the I'm engaged to is going to sacrifice himself! Murphy, that's just the perfect irony icing on the ironic cake! Why would Clarke Griffin get to have happiness!"

"You'll find your happiness, I promise you."

"Bellamy Blake is my happiness!"

My body began to seize, except this time felt different. When I seized before I would almost see it coming, it was always a natural feeling. This felt, I don't know, this felt almost like my body was on a timer and someone had restarted it.

"Get---me---to---Bellamy," I said trying to fight the seizure. Murphy rolled me on my side and stroked my hair.

"I can't do that-"

"I think she's over there! I hear something!"

~~~Murphy's POV (LOLWHAT)~~~

All of this responsibility fell onto my shoulders. I looked down at Clarke who had finished seizing, so I thought it would be safe to pick her up. I checked her pulse to make sure she was still alive, which she was, and I lifted her up.

"My legs," I groaned in pain while lifting her up.

I double checked our surroundings from the cave and bolted. I didn't know where to run, all I knew is I had to run away from the voices. Obviously I wouldn't run towards them. I'm not Bellamy.

"I'm going to keep you safe, Clarke. I promise," I whispered. However, the voices were closing in us. It seemed that every where we turned someone was always behind us. I saw an overlook about a hundred feet ahead of me and prayed that there was a waterfall or just a large pit of water beneath it. When I reached the edge of cliff, I sighed in relief. Clarke wasn't the only one who jumped off of cliffs all the time.

"Don't!" I turned around. It was Abby and Jackson.

"Bellamy already turned himself in. If you jump, we'll shoot him," Jackson said as a tall, gruff man walked out of the shadows with a tied up Bellamy.

"Hand Clarke over, and we'll let him live. It's simple," Abby said raising a gun to Bellamy's head, not taking her eyes off of Clarke.

"You would kill your daughter fiancé?" I smirked. I had her.

"Yes." I didn't have her.

"Just jump!" Bellamy said before the man knocked him to the ground.

"You jump, I shoot!" Abby warned.

"Why are you doing this, Abby?" I asked, carefully taking a couple steps back towards the edge of the cliff, hoping no one would notice.

"Believe it or not, this is all for Clarke. I know what's best-"

"Then you know she doesn't want this! Any of this! So put the gun down, or I'll jump..with Clarke. Or...I'll give you Clarke if you promise not to shoot me," I said. Bellamy tried to launch himself at me, only to be brought back down again.

"You're so selfish," he spat at me.

"Hand me Clarke, and we can forget this happened," she said walking towards me and putting away her gun.

"The thing about me, Abby, is that I am selfish. But I'm also a liar," I said as I ran to the edge of the cliff and jumped with Clarke still in my arms.

I screamed louder than I thought, because I didn't think jumping off a cliff with a seizure prone Clarke would be a bad idea. As we were falling, I stopped screaming because I heard a gunshot. Abby towered over the cliff staring down at me and her daughter. I made sure to protect Clarke's head with my arms before we plummeted into the cold water, my grip only tightening around Clarke.

No one told me that the water would be so cold. No one told me how hard it was to swim while holding your best friend, who was still knocked out from the beginning. No one had told me to be the hero. No one had taught me HOW to be the hero. But Clarke needed hero, and Bellamy was currently tied up at the moment.

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