chapter 15: i didn't know what to do

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Clarke's POV (one day later)

(ALSO it gets a little confusing towards the end, sorry if it's hard to keep track of Bellamy. "The Bellamy" is the Alternate Bellamy, and my Bellamy is 2149 Bellamy)

"Clarke! My baby!" My mother exclaimed rushing to my side. "Untie her wrists, now!" 

One of the men that entered the room with my mother cut the rope from hands and my mother helped me stand to my feet.

"My poor girl, you can hardly stand. I'm going to fix you, don't you worry," she said stroking my hair.

"I don't...I don't... wanna be fixed..." I mumbled. 

"Yes you do, you told me you did yesterday," she said trying to remind me. I was led to a darker room, but it was much warmer, much cozier. I was placed on a mattress and a blanket was laid over me. 

"Nothing will hurt anymore, Clarke. You're going to be happy forever," she said as I saw her lifting a needle from the table. 

"Bellamy..where's...Bellamy," I asked beginning to panic. I became more alert of my surroundings and began to gain my memory from last night.


"Stop! You're killing them!" I screamed trying to break free from the chains that were locked around my entire body.

"Again," she said and Bellamy and Murphy were both lashed again. 

"Please..I'll do anything!" I cried. 

"No, princess, it's okay-"

"I'll do it! Just don't hurt them anymore, please," I begged. 

"Untie them. Throw them in Cell Block D. We'll figure out what to do with them later," my mother said. Bellamy and Murphy had to be dragged out of the room, their bodies in too rough of shape. 

"Clarke, I'm glad you finally understand how good this is for you. If you let me heal you, I have no problem letting them walk out of here," she said holding my face in her hands, just like she held my life. 

"If I go, you have to promise me, mom. You have to promise that they won't be hurt anymore. That's my fiancé."

"You'll still be with Bellamy, just in another world. A better one. You're going to be so much happier, I know it," she smiled as she injected once again another needle in my neck. 

~~~~flashback over~~~~

"I want to see...Bellamy one...last time..." I mumbled. 

"I don't think-"

"Or I don't do it." A moment later, Bellamy was brought in and there were marks around his wrists where I could tell the handcuffs had been.

"You have three minutes. Then we're coming back," my mother said as she left us alone. 

"Princess.." Bellamy said, rushing to my side. "Don't do this. I have a plan-"

"You don't have a plan, Bell," I weakly said. "I knew from the start when you said you had one..that you didn't have one. You just wanted to hold on to our last shred of hope. Please, I only have a few minutes with you-"

"Murphy has a plan. A really good plan. Actually a really stupid plan, but that's why you love me," he smiled. 

"Am I included on this plan?" I smiled. But my smile quickly faded when I saw Bellamy digging through my mother's medical bag. 

"Here it is," he breathed. "I inject you with this, and no more seizures, no more time traveling, and sorry, but no "happy life" for you," he said pressing the needle to my skin. 

"What are you waiting for, just do it!" I exclaimed. 

"I actually don't know if this is the right one..Raven told me what it looked like-"

"Raven is smarter than all of us combined, of course she's right!" Bellamy was still unsure, so I had to take matters into my own hands, literally. I grabbed the needle from him and injected it into my arm. Immediately, I began to feel the blood beginning to pump into my veins. I could feel my body again. 

"Is it.."

"Working? Yeah," I breathed a sigh of relief. He placed his hand on my arm and I could feel it. I could feel his warmth spreading through my entire body once again. This was going to be the happy ending I deserved. 

"Okay, can you stand? We're getting out of here," Bellamy said helping me to my feet. 

"Yeah, what's going on?" I asked.

"Oooooh, I'm a ghostttttt," I heard. I looked up and saw the vent from the ceiling being moved. 

"Murphy, just lift her up!" Bellamy exclaimed as a rope was handed down. Bellamy helped me gain my balance as I climbed up. 

"Okay, Bellamy, you're turn," Murphy said tossing the rope back down. 

"My turn?" 

Murphy and I froze in the cramped vent. We turned our heads and saw Bellamy? We looked down and saw Bellamy? 

"I'll go out through the back, just run!" the Bellamy on the ground shouted. 

"Well we can't run,"  Murphy grumbled as he began to crawl fast through the vents.

"Did you see-"

"The other Bellamy that's literally right behind us? Just crawl faster, Clarke!" He yelled, his voice echoing.

"Wait up, C!" the Bellamy behind us said. We finally reached the end of the vent and kicked the bottom out. We all jumped down and ran towards the exit. When I reached the door, it wouldn't open. 

"Oh, C. You had to have known this wouldn't work," the Bellamy said. 

"How are you here?" I asked turning around. Murphy had moved in front of me, to protect me. 

"I would never hurt you, C. The Bellamy here? He has hurt you, and left you time after time."

"But he always came back," I defended.

"He still left. I would never leave you," this Bellamy told me.

"I'M VERY CONFUSED!" Murphy exclaimed.

"Clarke!" I looked beyond the Bellamy and saw my Bellamy. 

"Bellamy, what do I do?" I asked, a tear sliding down my cheek. 

"I'm the one who proposed to you. Stay here. Stay with me.." he said walking towards me.

"No, C. Come with me. No drama, no pain, no death, it's perfect!" The Bellamy said. 

I felt terrible for even thinking about it, but I didn't know what to do...

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