Chapter 15

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"And it feels like I have damn near thrown my life away (Somebody send me up right now, now)
And I'm scared just like a child that's lost at seven (I can't do no more)
Don't know what to do to get back right with you (No, no)
It feels like I just walked right out of Heaven
And it feels like I have damn near thrown my life away, yeah
Like a child that's lost at seven
Don't know what to do."
Jagged Edge "Walked Outta Heaven"


Swish went Iman's ball into the hoop. I decided to accompany Teyana to Iman's practice to chill and get some free Gatorade. I knew that if I stayed at home, I would only think about August.

"That's my baby!" Teyana stood up and starting clapping, acting like this was the real game. Girl, sit down and stop embarrassing your man. Iman was blushing down there, while the guys teased him about it. It reminded me of how my Mom screamed at my high school graduation when they called my name even though the instructions were to wait until all of us crossed the stage. Nobody ever follows that direction anyway.

"Has August called you since the incident?"

"Yeah, he's been blowing me up, but I'm not worried about him. He's getting a taste of what he did to me when I called to check up on him. I think I jumped into a situation I wasn't ready for. We fell hard for each other so quickly and I let my guard down without seeing the real him first." I moved my hair behind my ear to keep it from getting in my face.

"I hope you didn't pick up an extra shift last night to avoid August. He came to the house, looking for you." I didn't say anything, knowing she was right. I continued rubbing Reese's soft fur. It's almost time for me to get him groomed. His hair is growing pretty fast. "I told you so."

"So, you're taking August's side?" I became angry and annoyed with this conversation.

"No, but if you're in a relationship, you shouldn't talk to other guys especially if you're with someone famous."

"T, just stop talking to me. We were fine in the silence we were in before." I can't believe her. To all my ladies out there, don't let any man control you. You can talk to a guy without flirting or cheating on your partner. So many women have male best friends. I know better than cross that line of friendship when I'm in a relationship with someone else.

I got up to go to the bathroom, taking Reese with me since he started whining when I put him down. He's such a baby, but he's my baby.

"Ashanti." Teyana sighed, calling out my name.

"I'll be back." I walked down the bleachers and passed by Julius Randle's sexy *ss on the court. What? I'm just looking, not touching. After a few minutes, I came back and sat down. Teyana and I sat in an awkward silence, watching the men shoot hoops as they divided themselves into two teams and played against each other like the real thing.

"Listen, ma, I'll give you all I got
Get me off of this (off of this), I need confidence (confidence) in myself (Ooh, eh, ehh)
Listen, ma, I'll give you all of me (Ooh)
Give me all of it, I need all of it to myself (I need all of it)."

My ringtone starting playing and I really didn't want to talk to anyone right now, especially August. I looked at my phone and that it was Chris calling. I bet that if I pick up this call, I'm going to hear August's voice on the line.

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