Chapter 38

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"(If your girl only knew) She would probably leave you alone
She would probably curse you out and unplug her phone
(If your girl only knew) I bet she'd be glad that you was gone
And then she wouldn't have to worry."
Aaliyah "If Your Girl Only Knew"


"Now, I'm not trying to get too drunk tonight. I don't want to do something I might regret." I ran my fingers through my hair before brushing it. I'm thinking about cutting it, but I can try some new styles if it's longer like braids or man buns. Listen to me, I sound like a girl. I'm just going to keep rocking berets until I decide.

"That won't happen because Ashanti has you on a tight leash, which is a good thing because Lord knows what you would do on a night like this." Usher replied. We just finished our last concert of the tour and it was one of the best. My fans in London don't play.

"Before I had a girl, did you know me to be a man thot?"

"Well, I don't follow your every move like the paparazzi do, but I remembering seeing you with a few groupies. Plus, you've broken a girl's cervix before. Don't you remember?"

"If she begged me to give it to her harder, I need to obey her command in order to make sure that she's happy. When she's happy, I'm happy."

"Cocky bastard. You should be glad she didn't pursue the case."

"I can't be charged for an act of pleasure." I winked at him.

"Let's get out of here, Mr. Wise Guy." Michael declared from behind us. He was so mad when it was all over the news. You could see the smoke coming out his ears just like the cartoons.

"I hope your friend isn't going to pop up tonight at the club." He commented after we got in the car with the chauffeur waiting in the driver's seat.

"Who are you talking–oh, Miracle." Let me explain.

Mira came to one of the concerts last week without a ticket and she was trying to get in by claiming that she knew me personally. However, she didn't tell me in advance so I could put her on the list for Joe to escort her backstage. It kind of caused a frenzy since none of the security guards knew her, but I settled the dispute by going to get her myself after she called me. I feel bad that she got embarrassed, but what Miracle did caused me to lose some of my prep time.

"Yeah. I don't know how she thought she could have came to the show or even come backstage without a ticket."

"She's my friend. It was just a little misunderstanding and I handled it; end of story."

"She also magically appeared when we had dinner yesterday. Was that a coincidence?" Usher asked sarcastically.

"No, she was in the area and I invited her to join us."

"Why is she in London in the first place?" He crossed his arms.

"Miracle said something about a photo shoot or a movie scene; I can't remember."

"Bro, I'm not trying to knock her or anything, but when was the last time you saw her in a magazine, on a billboard, or even in a commercial? The last production she was on was in 2013 as one of the girls in The Dream's music video. She's a beautiful woman, no lie, but you need to let her know that there are boundaries."

"She's free to travel wherever she wants. Even if she's not working on a project, she's probably handling some business forher beauty line."

"See that, you keep making excuses for her. Do you do that for Ashanti?"

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