Chapter 9 Introductions

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**** Sorry I haven't updated, been really busy. I have had track meets and then some canceled then they had to be rescheduled and I have had people dying in my family. Sorry I will try to update more often.******


I woke up consumed in a wave of heat and two strong arms that I couldn't break free from. I wiggled and squirmed but i was stuck. "Babe I have too pee really badly. Please let go. Babe," I said while poking his side, still nothing. I faced him and started kissing him, usually I wouldn't kiss a guy I met a day before, but drastic times calls for drastic measures. He kissed me back deepening the kiss. I'm not going to lie I am really enjoying this. Adam rolled me over so I was straddling him and deepened the kiss even more. After a few minutes he pulled away." We better stop or I am going to take you right now and make you scream my name."

I pulled away and looked away, trying to not blush, but I felt it creeping up my cheeks.

"Babe don't hide away from me, I find it cute when you blush."

I lifted his arm off of me and ran to the bathroom. After I was done peeing, I walked out and noticed Adam fast asleep cuddling with my pillow. I decided I wouldn't wake him up so I walked over to the bed and grabbed my pillow hopping in where the pillow once was. Immediatly he wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my chest. I reached over and grabbed my blue iphone. I unlocked and started skiming through facebook, when I realized I had a request. I clicked on it and let out a squeal of happiness. Adam sent me a request to be his girlfriend. Awe he is so cute. I turned it off and set down falling back asleep laying my head on Adams head, falling into a peacefully sleep. I knew that when we woke up again I would have to be introduced as the luna, and meet everyone. I am so not looking forward to this. Was my last thought before I fell asleep.

Sorry it is super short but there is another part so don't worry. I'll update soon.

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Do you guys want part 2 to be when he introduces her to the pack or the next chapter? Comment and tell me.

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