Chapter 20 Surprises

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I woke up and Adam wasn't awake yet. I poked his nose, didn't do anything. I poked his sides and he jumped 7 feet in the the air and fell on the floor.

"Hey what was that for?" He said rubbing the back of his head.

"I wanted to see your beautiful eyes." I said smirking

"Oh how sweet baby."

"Come on let's take a shower."

"Okay baby."

We walked to the bathroom and started to undress. I looked down at my stomach and noticed a little bump.

"Hey baby look." I said pointing down at my stomach.

"Our little pup." He said bending down to kiss the top of my stomach.

"Let's take a shower."

We hoped in and let the water soak up on our skin.

"God your so beautiful." He said bringing me closer to him. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Let's just say we made love again on the wall. After we got cleaned up and we hopped out, drying off.

(I'm changing how long she is pregnant for from 5 to 3)

"Babe we have to go have an ultrasound."

"Yeah I wanna see my pup."

I dialed the pack doctors number into my phone.

"Hello, I need to make an appointment for an ultrasound." "When Luna?" "Umm. In an hour." "Okay Luna see you then."

"We have an appointment in an hour."


Hour later:

Adam and I walked down to his truck and hopped in. We drove for about 10 minutes and arrived at the doctors house.

"Hello Doctor." "Hello Alpha and Luna."

She led us to a little room off the main house. Inside was a table and a monitor and a bunch of other stuff.

"Here laid down and roll your shirt up over your stomach and I will be right back."

I laid down and rolled my shirt up over my stomach. I looked over at Adam and saw him smiling. The doctor came back with some gel and rubbed it on my stomach.

"I am going to use this." She said lifting something up. "And run it over your stomach so you can see your pup. You can look over at this screen and will be able to see."

I looked over as she ran it over my stomach.

"Well here is the head of one of your pups. Here is another. I don't see anymore but you never know there could be more in there. Here I will wipe this off and you will be all set to leave."

She wiped it off and I quickly rolled down my shirt. Adam helped me up and we walked out to his truck. He buckled me up and then sat in his seat just looking at me.

"Umm Ce I have a question."

"Okay what?"

"Will you go on a date with me?"

"Sure I would love to."

"Okay be ready by 4."


He dropped me off and he went to go do some pack work. I ran up to Angels room and knocked.

"Come in."

"Angel I need your help. I am going on a date with Adam in an hour and I need help."

"Okay I will help you. Let's go to your room."

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