Chapter 16 The Talk

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Same day:

I really didn't want to tell Adam about him, but since he has killed one of our pack members I should tell him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him away to our room.

"Where are we going?" He asked quietly

"To our room, you said you wanted me to explain everything to you, so that is what I am going to do."

"Okay." He said. He pulled my hand back to him and then picked me up the way you would a bride.

We continued to walk up the stairs to our room. When we got there he opened the door and sat me down on the bed and walked over to the other side and pulled me to him.

"Okay explain everything. I mean everything." He said in my ear.

"Okay. Well first off his name is Caine, Caine evans. We went to high school together, at first we were best friends. He was new so I helped him out around school and everything. One day we were at lunch and he asked me out and I said yes because by then I liked him. We dated for about a year or so until we went to a party. I wasn't exactly the partying type in high school but my friends always brought me to them. I only had one drink but Caine was drunk. I was sitting on one of the couches talking to some random person when he walked over to me and dragged me up the stairs. He found an empty room and threw me on the bed." I was interrupted when Adam growled. "Its okay babe calm down. He straddled me and pulled my shirt off. I had never done anything like that before so I covered myself up. He got mad and ripped my arms from where they were and held them over my head. By then I was crying. Then he pulled of his pants and I knew I was done. I tried to scream but he slapped me. I bet you could figure the rest out." I said to Adam. Turning around I looked at him, looking at him I could see love in his eyes.

"Pretty much he raped you?" He growled

"Yeah. I broke up with him the next day and he didn't take it very well. He said he would find me and take back what is his. And apparently he found me, I think he wants to hurt all of the people I love. Because of what happened to his family."

"What happened?"

"His dad went crazy and killed his mom and severely hurt his sister and then shot himself in front of Caine when he was 10."

"Oh." Was all he said before he saw I was crying, I never told anyone that. He pulled me to him and I put my head in the crook of his neck. For the next 10 minutes all I heard were sweet words from Adam. I couldn't help but think I finally have someone who will love me with all of my flaws and imperfections and will love me until we die. I think I love him. With that I fell asleep.

Adams POV

I couldn't believe what happened to her. That's why she hasn't let anyone in, she built up walls because of him. When we finally mated I was going to have to be gently and make her feel loved. I whispered sweet words to her as she cried into my chest, I felt so bad. Finally I heard her breath even out, I sat her down on the bed and covered her up. I stripped down and hopped in next to her pulling to me. Kissing her head I fell asleep.

Next day:

I woke up before Ce did and decided I would make her breakfast. I went downstairs and pulled the stuff I needed. I will make chocolate chip pancakes and eggs with a side of orange juice. I started mixing up the batter for the pancakes and pulled out the skillet. I put them on the skillet and made them look like hearts. After I was done I smelt to see if she was awake yet, she wasn't. I put everything on a tray and walked up the stairs to our room. I walked into the room and shut the door with my foot and sat the tray on the night stand I crawled onto the bed and lifted Ce into my arms.

"Hey Ce, Wake up I got something for you."

I saw her eyes slowly open a little.

"Good morning sweetheart. I made you breakfast." I said while handing it to her.

She noticed the hearts and looked at me.

"Did you make these?"

"Yes I did. I hope you like them."

She started to eat them peacefully. I played with her hair gently massaging her scalp. I heard her moan a little bit, I didn't know if it was from the food or me massaging her.

"Hey baby aren't you going to feed me."

"Nope these are to good, I'm going to eat them all."

"Fat ass."

"I don't think my ass is fat." She said as she jumped off the bed looking at her fine ass in the mirror. I sat there looking at her mighty fine ass, it was pretty nice. I really need to stop or I am going to have a boner.

"Come here and finish eating, your ass is nice and small. But you have to feed me some because I made enough to feed both of us."

"Okay whatever." She said while cutting a piece of pancake and turning around to face me. I opened my mouth as she sat the piece pancake in my mouth, I closed my mouth around the fork taking it off the fork. She pulled it out and fed herself. Damn I am a good cook. She continued to feed me and then herself over and over again.

"Babe we need to talk about last night."


"So I want to know if you are okay"

"Physically, mentally kind of."

"Okay, well I think the best bet for us is to mate before he comes to get you which he won't. But if he does and he tries to mate you, it will be hard because you will be marked by me and your scent will intertwined with mine and I will bare your mark, making us complete each other. I promise I will make you feel loved, I love you with all of my heart and I will always love you." I said to her holding her. She looked up at me with her big eyes and said the one thing I have waited a couple of months for.

"I love you too Adam, Forever and ever."

I couldn't believe my ears, she just told me she loved me. I took her head and brought her to my lips. I kissed her with love and not need, I loved this women in my arms and I will love her forever and ever until we die even then I will love her. Damn I love her with all of my heart and soul and I can't wait to make love to her.

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