The test

229 9 3

Ayo pov

So me and dee decided we should take ma lil sister to da hospital she hasn't been feeling good..........

Doctor:soo all the test came back.. your negitive for stomache flu, negitive for hiv, but one test did come back positive

Saya: is it bad?

Doctor:im proud to say that your pregnancy test came back positive


Doctor: telling by your reaction would you like to schedule an fallow up appointment for  prenatal care?

Saya:omigod yess please

Doctor; okay so you have an appointment at  planed parent hood   next week wensday congratulations miss larrings

Doctor walks out........

Ayo:i cant believe imma be a mother fucking uncle!!!!!!!

Saya:i cant believe imma be a mother fucking mother!!!!!!!!!!

Ayo:dee cant you believe it?

Dee:im shooked

Ayo:you finna be a father boii!!

Dee:im just letting it soak in


Dee; i wanted kida to know

Saya:its okay bAby we still can tell him

Dee:hes ma bestfran....

Say:baby look I've been going three mouths on this tour without my bestie but i make it threw i facetime her, call her, text her, and now that there together its like nocking two birds out with one stone

Dee:you know what your right, my fiance is pregnant with my baby HOLY SHIT!!

doctor walks in........

Doctor:Here are you release papers and info on your appointment congrats again

We leave the hospital heading to duluth two mounths and we'll be done with tour but its kinfa crazy how  this relationship started we just went from danceing to love

Dee:*wisper* you know we gotta tell fans and fam about it?

Saya:yeah can we tell your mom first?

Dee:yeah sure

Dee dails up momma Felicia

Call log;

Hey ma

Hey baby how tour

Its good besides kida leaving but ummm good news

Good news tell me all about it

Umm i rather have saya tell you

Ouuuu ma daughter in law yeah lemme speak to her


Hey mom

Hey daughter in law

Ummmm you know I've been sick lately and me and dee been going threw some things and uhhhhh.............

Haha Spit it out child

Well your gonna be a gama *gand ma* Again


Hehe yep mommy

Awwww god bless you and ma  grandchild oh yeah and ma hard headed son

Lol thx ma

Love yall

Love you to mom

Call log end

Dee:aight time to call your mom

Cute asf rightttt💋💋💋💖💖💖-baby mama 🔥🔥🔥

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