Can i talk with you?

187 8 2

Ayo pov its like 6 an  deedee up and only him so i get up and was like

Ayo:yo dee
Dee:sir yes sir
Ayo:boot camp head ass be serious
Dee:say no more
Ayo; i umm heard chance getting busy wit his self last night
Dee:ehhh lil nasty ass y you tellin me?
Ayo:cause he was moaning sahmmmmmm yahhh
Ayo:he was moanin sahmmmm yuhh mhh
Dee:nigga what?
Ayo:he was moaning sayas name damnn
Dee:ohh hell no wake his ass up

Dee ran to the bunk about to awaken chance but ayo pulled him back

Ayo:dont this is just a warning sign just stay close to her ill let you know if some shit happen ok?

Dee:ok...... hol up you finna be listening to this nigga jerk off?! 😁😂😂

Ayo:nooo no homo

Dee: nah to late ayleooo😁



Ayo:fuq was that?

Dee:ahh thats just baby girl morning sickness

Ayo:*whisper * oh shit imma go back to the bed

Dee:*whisper * aight imma go check on her.

Ayo:k see you in a couple of hours

Dee:say no more


I hold onto jahovahs head pushing him down as i pull the trigger returning gun fire hitting him in his legs

Lil j:mommy im scared

Saya:its okay baby just keep your head down

Teo and dee hop over the seat careing ayo

Teo:tell me hes okay

I check his pulse

Saya:umm teo

Teo:no... no....... no check agian it cant be

Saya: teo im sorry but we gotta go we gotta get dj

Mateo snaches the gun from my hand shotting himself splating blood all over causeing me and jahoveah to scream

Saya:you selfish bitch.......jahoveah mommy loves you remember that

I say as i run out dodgeing flying bullets as jordan shoot while covering  me, dee and protecting jahoveah


Current time

I get up looking to my left seeing my future husbad and father to my kids kissing me on  forhead

The hell just happen take a guess-wifey OUT 😁😂🤔🖕😫✌️💖🔥💖😩

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