next day

210 7 1

I wake up around 3 pm wondering why ma baby's not crying

I woble into the nursery and see family members laughing and smiling at jahovah and javani I see my mom and Deedee mom ,I see nyelle Dees sister and my brothers August abd antwony (an-twon-ie)

Saya: hey family fam fam

Mama Felicia runs over first

Felicia:awww ma daughter in law why you ain't tell me you had ma grandchildren girl I should slap you on yo booty turn around!

Dee:mama stop 😹

My mom walks up to me and squeezes me so tight I couldn't breathe

Says:mama stop I can't breathe

Momma:girl hush up and tell me ma baby's name

Saya: jahovah and javani Hansley


Dee:yeah they taking our last name

August:ma baby sis growing up so fast


Momma:so when y'all gonna have a Lareings?

Saya: next time mamma I promise

Felicia:when y'all gonna celebrate ?

Dee:well I was thinking tonight

Momma:opp y'all know what day mean out everybody good

We walked behind them and locked the doors I go back to the nursery

Dee POV:


Saya comes in crying

Dee:baby what's wrong



Saya: I don't know what I'm going to do


Says:Dee they just came home why are you not panicking?

Dee:baby listen there with my mom!!!

Saya slaps the living shit out of him he falls on the bed


Dee: okay fuck

He lifts up rubbing his check

Saya:well what's this so called celebrate you have planned?

Dee grabs her waist in pulls her closer

Dee:we're gonna go down stairs and eat lunch then come watch a movie then we gon start wedding planning

Saya:okay what we eating?


Angle:yes mr.hansley?

Dee:what's for lunch?

Angle: fettuccine alfredo with shrimp and garlic bread

Dee:ouu my favorite you my leave now

He says handing him a 20 dollar bill

**************15 mins later ********

Dee:what you tryna watch?

Saya: battlefield Amarica

Dee:haha say no more

We start watching the movie about 5 mins in I started thinking about how wonderful this woman is and the fact that she just gave birth to my first child let me rephrase that children and hopefully she will be bringing me many more into my life but for the time being I have to reward her some how

I roll on top of her and kiss her neck as she let's out a slight moan I put my hands under her dress and she stops me

Saya:I can't have sex yet my body still healing

Dee:who said I wanted to fuck?

I slide off the edge of the bed and she scoots with me I get on my knees and press my thumb against her core

She quickly grabs on to my wrist I grab both of her hands and put them on my back

I push on her lower back to bring her closer

Saya:Dee what is you doing.?

Dee: eating

Saya: we just ate

Dee:I'm still hungry

He said with a smirk

I lifted the hood of her clit and licked it head on as she griped my shirt I slowly made my way to her entrance I glided my tounge across it then I slowly but my tounge inside her slowly going in and out

Saya: ughhh d-daddy

I put my middle finger on her core deepening the strokes of my tounge

It didn't take long for her to start grinding on it so I pushed her waist to refrain her

I continue to let my tounge massage her walls as they tighten on me

Saya: ughhhmmmm d-daddy I'm close

I pick her up and put her on my shoulders not taking my tounge out I lay on the bed making her ride my face as she grabs onto the headboard

I continue my tounge strokes going deeper than ever I began to see her shake so I nibble on her clit.As soon as I start her juice's run down my chin

Saya:daddy ug-ughhh

I use my middle finger to lick it up she looks down at me I lift my my eyebrow and quickly flip us over

Saya:oh fuck wait

I continue to kiss her core as she grabs onto my hair

I work my tounge magic in her as her clit quivers letting me know she can't take it

Her wild moans fill the room

Saya:mmmbabby faster g-go faster

I slow down just to tease her and when she least expect it I flipped my tounge upside down

She quickly arches her back and squirts


some how it got on the head board
We catch our breathe

Saya:oh shit baby I'm sorry I'll clean it up

Dee:nah it's cool I'll get Angle to do it

Saya: hells no !!

Dee: either let me or Angle do it

Saya:better get to scrubbing

Dee: nah I'll lick it off

Saya: nasty freak🤤

Unsanitary but okay 😂😂😂👇🏾😹🤔-mama bear out

Unsanitary but okay 😂😂😂👇🏾😹🤔-mama bear out

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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