3 hours later

140 6 0

As the light shines in my eyes I here a slight cry and they grow louder as my vision clears up I hear a nurse say "baby number one 5:13:07 baby number two 5:15:10 " I look over and see Donielle wiping the tears on his face not letting go of my hand I turn to see Teo's face in shock and Ayo's in the corner crying to still recording they let my hand go as I held my babies for the first time 👇🏾

As the light shines in my eyes I here a slight cry and they grow louder as my vision clears up  I hear a nurse say "baby number one 5:13:07  baby number two 5:15:10 " I look over and see Donielle wiping the tears on his face not letting go of my h...

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I decided to name them jahovah and javani Hansley

They instantly smiled when they seen me I cried trying not to get the tears on them I quickly passed them to dee
And Ayo

Ayo:ahhh shit he looks just like you fam

Dee:haha he got his Mama's lips tho they so thick

Teo:hold up lemme see

Ayo passess javani to teo

Teo:ahh hell nah this a Hansley fo sho 😂

Saya: aye don't be passing my baby like a blunt gimme jahovah

Ayo:umm witch one Wich?

Dee:easy javani gotta birth mark on his stomach and jahovah got it on his thigh

Ayo:oh so Dee you got em

Dee:oh shit forel ma bad 😂

Dee hands jahovah to her and she stairs at his beautiful face and he's smiles showing every dimple he has

Saya:his dimples deeper than mines goddamit

The doctor walks in

Doctor:we're gonna have to run some texts on them and clean them up

Saya:awww right now do you have to?

Doctor:yes I mean if you wanna make sure he can actually hear you

Saya frowns and passes him over to the doctor so does Ayo

Saya:hey Ayo do you thing you can get me some rap snacks ?

Ayo: yeah Wich ones

Saya:lil Romeo and fetty wap

Ayo:no prob teo come wit me

Teo:no nigga I wanna see the babies

Ayo:you already seen them let's go


Ayo:sry for yelling LETS GO!

Teo:fine..... bitch ass

They leave

Dee:I love you

Saya:I love you to

Dee: if I could do this all over again I would

Saya:shii I wouldn't the only pain you when threw was when I dug my nails into you

Dee:haha true dat bby girl

Nurses come in

Nurse number one :hello ms.larrings

Saya:on no please call me Hansley,Saya Hansley

Nurses :will do we're here to help clean you up

Says:ok what all do I have to do?

Nurse: all we need your help with is taking off the gown the you just sit back


**********8 mins later*******

Sayas all clean and ready to go home

The doctor brings back the babies

Doctor:all the tests came back fine there super tickleish you can uelse that to an advantage

We laugh as he continues

Doctor :all we have to do is clean them off and run a little more test and you'll be out in 2 or 3 days

Saya:why that long?

Doctor:as there senses develop over the days the test will come out clearly


Ayo and teo return with more than 6 bags of chips in fact 8 bags

Says:damn did you leave some in the store?

Ayo:yes we did it was hard but we did

Saya:who's thoses extra bags for?

Teo:three for you three for Deedee one for me and one for Ayo

Saya:ok gimme my fetty wap

Saya continues eating and chatting with Dee and the others while jahovah and javani got cleaned up

💕😂💖👌🏾💕🖕🏾🤘🏾👋🏾🤞🏾👏🏾🙏🏾 I love rap snacks ofn-mama bear out

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