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Saya walks down the hall to ayo's room knocking on the door she slowly opens it and hes in the shower

she yells

"aye ayo we finna meet in the living room so come down when you get out"

He replies

"Ight thanks sus"

She closes the door and leaves walking across the hall to teo room

She knocks on the door teo yells

"Come in"

Saya:hey teo we finna be in the livin- whoaaa

He had just got out the shower still wet and everything he had on no shirt

But his hair was wet and curly he had on no draws on cuase you could see his dick print preety clear

Teo:oh hey baby

Saya:um excusem me?

Teo:come here girl lets talk

He grabs her by the waist pulling her inside the bedroom locking the door behind him

Saya:what is there to talk about teo i dont feel comfortable

Teo:its okay baby girl lay sown get confortable

Saya:nah teo imma just leave

Saya attempts to get up and leave but teo noches her down back to the bed

Saya:teo move!

Teo:come on saya just one quicky

Teo pov

I know yall niggas just like why teo well shut yo bitch ass up dont nobody give to fucks ma dick hard I've had supa peach pussy ive had deetrannads ,ive had jades pussy ,but not sayas

Saya:no teo im engaged im sorry im not like one of your hoes

Teo:one of my hoes wat you tryna say?

Saya:im saying im not like aidrea,coner,jade you know them hoes and bot to mention im pregnant

Teo:dont bring up jade that was a mistake!

Saya:ohhh even better im not one of your mistakes

Teo:Shut the fuck up!!

Saya:teo let me leave


Teo grabs waistline of her joggers pulling them down along with her panties throwing themat the door as she struggles to pry him off her


Teo:he can't hear you remember souand proof walls

Teo slowly removes his shorts as saya trys to make a run for it he pulls her baxk by her hair and throws her onto the bed

Saya:teo please !!

Teo:shhhh baby

He holds her arms above her head

Leting his hard on springs up from in his shorts into the air saya gets a glance and freaks

Saya:no teo your to big your gonna hit my babies

Teo:nope there heads havet formed yet we good

Saya:no were not good get off me !!

Teo glids his tip against her clit makeing her wet

Saya pov
This shit suckksss my babie mite die im cheating on my man im getting raped i knew things were to good im getting wet i cant control it my hormonz are mega wild right now

Teo:yeah you want me to your getting wet for daddy

Saya:teo no!!

He slowly incerts himself into her

Saya:t-teo y-your. To big uhh

He pushes himself deep into her little by little rubbing her throbing clit throwing her breathing off

Saya:teo ughh fucking uhhhh shittt mateoooo

Teo:yeah thats ma name baby girl what you need

He speeds up makeing her take all of him causeing her to squirt

Teo:ohhhhh shit you squirting for daddy yeah.......fuckkkk

Saya:faster d-daddy go f-faster

I dont know what i just said yall hopefully yall forgive me

Teo:yeah i knew you liked ir

He speeds up causeing her to squirt again and moan

Saya:ugghhh fuckk meeeeedaddy

I started feelling pain like a sharp sting inside me was it me it my babys there trying to tell me somthing......somthing like "mommy stop him would you do this if we were born?would you if your treating us like this now then why still be here? Bye mommy maybe next time"i ont want my babies gone...ever

Tears stream my face as i look around and spot house keys on the bed i quickly grab them and shove them up his spine


Ayo bust threw the door seeing a naked,crying me scared on the bed and a naked bleeding teo on the floor

Ayo:what the hell you do teo


Ayo:saya what he do

Saya:i came yo tell him to meet us and he locked us in t-the room a-and
r-raped me

Ayo:we gotta get both yall to the hospital

He grabs saya and wraps her in a blanket as she passes out.....


So ummmm yeah -wifey out💍💞😫👅

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