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Victoria Logan

I was up earlier than usual because I just couldn't sleep. It's been hard for the past few days. I pulled my covers up more on my body and stared at the ceiling until my door opened.

It was my dad, fully dressed.

"Why you up?"

"You're really leaving?" I asked, ignoring his question.

He nodded. "I don't want to but Ray and I need space."

"You can just sleep in the guestroom and she sleeps in y'alls room."

He laughed alittle and sat down next to me.

"I wish it could be like that but it can't...I'm sorry for making all this happen. I know it's been hard on you."

"Do you think you guys can work it out?"

"Hopefully. She just needs time to think and I'm giving it to her."

"I'm sorry for treating you like I have, daddy. I was mad but I know that you're sorry."

"I don't even blame you for being mad, baby."

"You promise you'll still be here for us? You won't leave?"

He looked at me and gave me a look. "Victoria, if it's one thing I'll never do, it's leave you, your brother and your sisters. Okay?"

I nodded, letting out a sigh of relief. "Okay."

I hugged him, tight and he hugged me back.

"I'm so proud of you. You've turned into such a beautiful young woman and I'm proud of you."

"Thankyou." I sniffled. "I love you, dad."

"I love you, more." He held me tighter for awhile before kissing my head and getting up. "Go back to sleep."

"Okay." I said even though I wasn't. He left my room and I waited a minute or two before opening my door and creeping to the end of the hallway, peeking around the corner to look downstairs where mom and dad were.

They exchanged a few words and hugged before he gave her a kiss on the lips and walked out. It wasn't like the other kisses they shared but I knew they still loved eachother.

Hopefully that means this is only temporary.

"I can see you, you know?" I heard her say and my eyes widened. Peeking out again, I smiled innocently.

"I'm not that good of an eavesdropper, huh?"

"No." She laughed and I did too, going downstairs.

"Are you okay?"

"Um...I'm just getting used to it." She answered. "I'll be okay though."

"You know I love you, right? And I'll be here for you." She laughed but I was serious. Even though she isn't my biological mom, I've always looked at her as a mom and she's been here for me for everything since I was eight years old, it was my turn to be there for her.

"You're so funny. But yes. And I love you too, ladybug."

I smiled at the nickname and gave her a hug.

"Can we go back to sleep? I'm getting sleepy again." I said and she laughed.

"You just read my mind."



Rayven Williams-Logan
(Two Months Later)

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